
Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Dr. Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt is an Associate Professor at the IIRP. She also is a member of the Executive Committee of the World Society of Victimology, the Book Review Editor for the International Journal of Restorative Justice, and a Professor of Law at the Catholic University of Pernambuco - UNICAP (Brazil). Additionally, she offers her talents as a member of the Research Committee of the European Forum for Restorative Justice and of the Asa Branca Research Group of Criminology (UNICAP).

Fernanda's research interests include restorative, community and youth justice, critical criminology, and victimology. She has published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in these areas in Brazil and abroad and is the author of The Role of Community in Restorative Justice (Routledge, 2015).

Fernanda earned a doctoral degree in Criminology from the University of Oxford (UK) in 2014. She was awarded a Master in Criminology from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) in 2005.



Selected Publications:
  • Rosenblatt, F. F. Pessoa de Mello, M. M., & Medeiros, C. S. L’A. Q. (2024). Restorative justice and domestic violence courts in Brazil: The double challenge of institutionalisation. In G. Maglione, I. D. Marder, & B. Pali (Eds.), Restorative justice at a crossroads: Dilemmas of institutionalisation (pp. 104-126). Routledge.
  • Rosenblatt, F. F., & Adamson, C. W. (2023). Non-encounter restorative justice interventions -- now what? Contemporary Justice Review, 26(1), 93-110. https://doi.org/10.1080/10282580.2023.2216716
  • Rosenblatt, F. F., de Mello, M. M. P., & de Medeiros, C. S. L'A. Q. (2022). Secondary victimisation, procedural injustices, and machismo: The experiences of women who access Brazil's not-so-specialised domestic violence courts. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 47(2), 167-184. https://doi.org/10.1080/01924036.2022.2157456
  • Rosenblatt, F. F., & de Farias, K. A. D. (2021). Where is 'race' in restorative justice? Creating space for book reviews 'with a focus.' The International Journal of Restorative Justice, 4(3), 487-495. https://www.elevenjournals.com/tijdschrift/TIJRJ/2021/3/TIJRJ-D-21-00034
  • de Mello, M. M. P., Rosenblatt, F. C. de F., & de Medeiros, C. S. l’A. Q. (2021). Para além do "mundo jurídico": Um diálogo com as equipes multidisciplinares de Juizados (ou Varas) de Violência Doméstica. Revista Direito e Práxis, 12(1), 608-641. https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/index.php/revistaceaju/article/view/57098
  • Rosenblatt, F. F. (2019). How do we 'walk the talk'? Some reflections on restorative justice's (perhaps not so?) hidden values. In B. Pali, K. Lauwaert, & S. Pleysier (Eds.), The praxis of justice: Liber amicorum Ivo Aertsen (pp. 51-57). Eleven International Publishing.
  • Advincula, M. J. P., Santos, P. H. R. C., & Rosenblatt, F. F. (2018). A busca por manifestações práticas de justiça restaurativa no Brasil: Um ensaio crítico em torno dos círculos restaurativos e das dificuldades de se estabelecer um encontro com a brasilidade. In V. de C. Leal, J. T. Esteves, C. M. Padilha, I. V. Chaves, & A. U. Barradas (Eds). Conflitos e novos desafios do direito: Política, meio ambiente e novas tecnologias (pp.195-210). RTM.
Courses Taught:

RP610 Evaluation of Research

RP622 History, Evolution, and Critical Issues in Restorative Justice

RP623 Restorative Justice: Global Perspectives

RP699 Integrating Seminar