General Information

In accordance with Pennsylvania Act 121 (2018), the IIRP will annually provide students with a summary of their total estimated student loan liability as of March 1st. The summary will include information about the total amount of Non-Federal Student Loans (Interest-Free Tuition Payment Plan) borrowed at the IIRP. However, this estimate does not reflect any Federal or Non-Federal Student Loan debt a student may have incurred at other institutions previously attended. It is important to also note that the student loan summary provided does not include information on any student loan funds borrowed in the upcoming academic year. 

Interest-Free Payment Plan

We offer financial aid to all students who are admitted to either the Master of Science degree or Graduate Certificate program in the form of an interest-free line of credit with low monthly payments and zero interest. This plan extends 39 months for Graduate Certificate students, 97 months for Master’s Degree students, and 118 months for students pursuing the Thesis Option. While many graduate schools administer loan programs, we have simplified the process by offering the same affordable plan to all students. There is no prepayment penalty. There is a one-time payment plan setup charge of $75.


Scholarship applications open and close on specific dates, as indicated in the scholarship descriptions below and on the academic calendar. Scholarships are not retroactive, and payments already made will not be refunded. For more information, please see our Scholarship webpage.

Impact Scholarships

Impact Scholarships provide full tuition for graduate students who demonstrate promise for greatly impacting their communities. This is a competitive scholarship based on three criteria:

  1. Ability to make an impact, based on your commitment to and influence within your community.
  2. The community you seek to serve faces hardships, experiences high needs, and/or has historical disadvantages.
  3. Demonstrated and expressed financial need to pursue your studies at the IIRP.

Both the scholarship application and the application into one of our graduate programs must be submitted according to the timeline below. Up to six scholarships are awarded each year for a maximum of one U.S.-based student and a maximum of five international students.

Impact Scholarship recipients are expected to begin their studies in the term following their admission.

The IIRP does not offer student visas to the U.S. Our program is designed to allow students to continue their studies from anywhere in the world without disruption.

You may begin your scholarship application by creating a Student Portal.

For fall term enrollment:
  • April 1 – Impact Scholarship application opens
  • June 1 – Impact Scholarship and master’s degree applications due
  • June 16 – Impact Scholarship recipients notified
For spring term enrollment:
  • August 1 – Impact Scholarship application opens
  • October 1 – Impact Scholarship and master’s degree applications due
  • October 16 – Impact Scholarship recipients notified
For summer term enrollment:
  • January 1 – Impact Scholarship application opens
  • March 1 – Impact Scholarship and master’s degree applications due
  • March 16 – Impact Scholarship recipients notified

Shawn Suzch Scholarship

The Shawn Suzch Scholarship is awarded to a student who has already been admitted to the master’s degree program and who demonstrates outstanding spirit and drive worthy of Shawn’s memory. The scholarship recipient will also be someone who expresses financial need to support their studies. Tuition for one course will be awarded in memory of Shawn, a young man who overcame adversity with courage and determination. The application and further details are available in your Student Portal.

Shawn Suzch Scholarship dates:

  • April 1 – Application opens
  • June 1 – Application due
  • June 16 – Recipient notified

Graduate Program Information

If you would like to speak about graduate courses and programs, please contact Student Services.


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