Director of Research and Program Evaluation / Associate Professor
Dr. Gina Baral Abrams has been working to develop healthy communities as a public health practitioner and macro social worker for 20 years. She has extensive experience in the higher education setting with college students, including mixed-methods research, program evaluation and online teaching. She is using her knowledge of public health, social work, and educational statistics, measurement and evaluation, to help shape the direction of the IIRP Graduate School's research efforts.
Gina teaches research methods in the online M.S.W. program at Boston University School of Social Work. Previously, she was Special Assistant to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs at Lehigh University and Director for Health Promotion and Wellness at Princeton University. She has been principal investigator in many research studies relating to health issues affecting college students and other populations. She has published several peer-reviewed journal articles and presented at numerous academic conferences since 1998.
Gina holds a B.S. in Physical Education Studies from the University of Delaware; an M.S.W. in Social Work Macro Practice and an M.P.H. in Social and Behavioral Health from
Boston University; an Ed.M. in Educational Statistics, Measurement and Evaluation from Rutgers University and a Dr.P.H. in Leadership, Management and Policy from Boston University.
Additionally, Gina is the IIRP's Quality Matters Coordinator, a nationally recognized, faculty-centered, peer review process that certifies the quality of online courses.
- Selected Publications:
- Abrams, G. B. (2023, Summer). A restorative practices strategy to advance community health. IIRP Presidential Paper Series, 8, 1-24. https://www.iirp.edu/pps8
- Abrams, G. B., Hala, A., & Hickman, K. (2021, March). Using restorative practices to advance health equity in higher education [Paper presentation]. NASPA Wellness and Health Promotion Knowledge Community Health Equity Series.
- NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation, NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, & American College Health Association. (2020, November). Inter-association definition of well-being. https://nirsa.net/nirsa/wp-content/uploads/inter-assocation-well-being-definition-2011b.pdf [Working group authors: G. Abrams, S. Andes, N. Brocato, & S. Connell]
- Abrams, G. B., Andes, S., Brocato, N., & Connell, S. (2020, November.) Inter-association definition of well-being. NIRSA. https://nirsa.net/nirsa/wp-content/uploads/inter-assocation-well-being-definition-2011b.pdf
- Abrams, G. B., Hala, A., & Hickman, K. (2020, October 27-28). Using restorative practices to advance health equity in higher education [Paper presentation]. American College Health Association. Closing the Gap: Strategies to Address Racial Inequity and Health Disparities on Campus Virtual Summit. https://www.acha.org/healthequitiessummit
- Abrams, G. B., Smull, E., & Hala, A. (2020, February). Restorative practices: An innovative prevention framework for advancing health and well-being. Pre-conference institute presented at the NASPA Strategies Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Courses Taught:
RP525 Restorative Practices in Action
RP556 Restorative Practices for Community Health & Well-Being
RP680 Designing Restorative Practices Research
RP685 Data Analysis for Restorative Practices Research
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