
Dean of Continuing Education / Lecturer (She/Her)

As Dean of Continuing Education, Mary Jo Hebling serves as a bridge between the IIRP Faculty and graduate courses, and the institute’s noncredit professional development offerings. She oversees the design of professional development curriculum and supervises the instructors and coaches who work directly with schools and other organizations to implement restorative practices. Mary Jo has been a faculty lecturer since 2014, and she serves as a leadership coach with the IIRP Higher Education Collaborative.

In 1990, Mary Jo began working as a foster care casework counselor with CSF Buxmont, which is now a model program of the IIRP Graduate School. She later became a supervisor and trainer of foster parents and counselors. In this environment, she gained significant experience providing restorative services to youth and families.

Ten years ago, Mary Jo began working as an instructor and coach with IIRP Continuing Education, providing hands-on experience in K-12 schools. Her work through the IIRP’s whole school change program helped dozens of schools implement restorative practices to improve school climate in districts across the U.S., including Detroit, Philadelphia, Newark and Baltimore.

Mary Jo earned a bachelor’s degree in Theater Arts at Temple University and holds a Master of Science in Restorative Practices from the IIRP Graduate School. She has presented at numerous national and international conferences.

Selected Publications:
  • Hebling, M. J., Hickman, K. & Smull, B. (2021, February 8-11). Restorative practices: A prevention framework for advancing student well-being in K-12 [Paper presentation]. 2021 ESEA National Conference. https://www.eseanetwork.org/sched/E21/session/restorative-practices-a-prevention-framework-for-advancing-student-well-being-in-k-12
  • Hebling, M. J. (2020). Book review [Review of the book Getting more out of restorative practices in schools: Practical approaches to improve school well-being and strengthen community engagement by M. Thorsborne, N. Riestenberg, & G. McCluskey, Eds.]. International Journal of Restorative Practices, 3(2), 331-334. https://doi.org/10.5553/IJRJ.000046
  • Abrams, G. B., & Hebling, M. J. (2019, July 17-19). Restorative practices as a preventive strategy for community health and well-being [Paper presentation]. IIRP 2019 Summer Symposium, Bethlehem, PA, United States.
  • Abrams, G. B., Hebling, M. J., & Smull, E. (2018, October 24-26). Proactive restorative practices: Creating the conditions for individuals and communities to flourish [Paper presentation]. Strengthening the Spirit of Community, IIRP World Conference, Detroit, MI, United States.
  • Hebling, M. J., & Mast, S. (2018, June 28-29). Restorative practice implementation in Maine schools: Continuing the conversation [Paper presentation]. The Maine Event: Youth Development Conference, Bangor, ME, United States.
  • Rundell, F., Smull, E., & Hebling, M. J. (2018, February 14-16). A conversation: From brick and mortar to cyber space - addressing fears and resistance. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA (p. 4). https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstreams/000a49a1-754c-433d-93eb-c53d9761ab75/download
Courses Taught:

RP525 Restorative Practices in Action

RP652 Social and Emotional Learning in the Restorative Classroom

Schedule a Conversation

If you would like to speak about professional development events, please contact Continuing Education Specialist.

Phone: (610) 621-4227
Email: events@iirp.edu