Instructor and Implementation Coach
Julia Getty is an instructor and implementation coach with the IIRP. She has trained and coached public school, independent school, and college-level educators, staff, and administration across the United States since 2019. Previously, Julia enjoyed a 10-year career in independent school education teaching middle school wellness, eventually serving as Eighth Grade Dean and Director of Secondary School Placement.
Her wellness studies helped Julia appreciate just how much of our mental, physical, and emotional health depends upon the quality of our intrapersonal, interpersonal, and community connections. She earned a Masters of Science degree from the IIRP in 2012 and became passionate about demonstrating how the theories and methodologies in the field of restorative practices can contribute to individual and community health by allowing people to explicitly examine personal and professional relationship development.
Julia is especially focused on examining how restorative practices can help people who work or learn together bridge ideologic divides and develop mutual empathy and understanding. In addition to her Masters degree, Julia holds a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. Julia enjoys reading mind-opening material, traveling, and completing the New York Time crossword puzzle every day.