BorbalaFellegi_photo200wBorbála Fellegi, Ph.D., will be a featured presenter at the IIRP Europe 2015 conference. The conference, entitled "From Dream to Reality: Dawning of a New Social Science," will be held June 10-12, 2015, in Budapest, Hungary. Learn more »

The breakout session, “Alternative Ways to Peacemaking in an Intercultural Context,” is scheduled for 1 PM on the second day of the conference.



Brief biography

Borbála Fellegi, Ph.D., did her studies in social policy (ELTE, Budapest) and criminology (Cambridge) and works as a researcher, mediator, conference/peacemaking circle and family group conferencing facilitator, trainer and university lecturer. From 2008 on, she has worked as founder and executive director of the Foresee Research Group. She is the author of the book Towards Restoration and Peace, one of the first comprehensive studies on the implementation of restorative justice in Hungary.


In this video, Borbála introduces her work exploring the benefits and challenges of conflict resolution processes in a Hungarian village:

Breakout session

Borbála will present a breakout session entitled "Alternative Ways to Peacemaking in an Intercultural Context," scheduled for 1 PM on the second day of the conference (Thursday, June 11). The presentation will provide insight into the action research process of the Foresee Research Group, which is carried out within the framework of an EU-funded international research project entitled “ALTERNATIVE” (, coordinated by the Catholic University of Leuven.

The project's focus is on the issues of security and justice: What do these terms mean to national or international communities (such as the EU), to theoreticians, and meanwhile, to the members of local communities — people who experience conflicts and peacemaking on various levels in their daily life?

With the combination of theoretical and practical approaches, the intention is to see whether, and if so, how restoration-focused approaches might contribute to peaceful coexistence in intercultural communities.

To illustrate the issues discussed, this interactive session will include a 15-min. film on the action research process. Participants are invited to contribute to the session by telling stories about how conflicts in intercultural settings have had an impact on them.

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