Develop and advance circle facilitation skills and competencies through self-reflection and practice.

Sharpen your skills for the facilitation of all circles, including proactive community building circles and responsive circles that address tensions and conflict.

This collaborative online professional learning community explores what works, what doesn’t, how and why.

Four live weekly Zoom sessions provide opportunities to practice the full range of restorative practices:

  • Session 1 — Examine the dynamic competencies of circle facilitators and self-reflect on current facilitation competencies.
  • Session 2 — Effectively use circles to build and advance relationships, team, and communities, including using circles to manage conflict and tensions.
  • Session 3 — Explore applications of circle approaches in various aspects of work, such as projects, programs, procedures, and curriculum.
  • Session 4 — Determine how to be an effective circle facilitator when addressing serious situations.

During each live session, participants may ask relevant questions, share their experiences, receive valuable feedback from their instructor and peers, and develop strategies for effective circle facilitation skill development and experience.

Learning format

Designed for circle facilitators in any field or industry, each session is facilitated by one of our engaging instructors — experienced restorative practitioners who clearly articulate key concepts and field your questions. You will join them in a professional learning community with up to 20 passionate circle facilitators over four 2-hour live Zoom sessions.

A basic familiarity with restorative practices and facilitation of restorative circles is expected of participants.

Price: $595


Upcoming Events

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If you would like to speak about professional development events, please contact Continuing Education Specialist.

Phone: (610) 621-4227