Develop and advance your conference facilitation skills and competencies with this collaborative online professional learning community.

Incidents of conflict, wrongdoing, and harm occur everywhere, every day in schools, workplaces, college campuses, neighborhoods, and families. The restorative justice conference provides a way to engage with those who cause and experience harm, along with the affected community.

Through the professional learning community, participants will improve their facilitation competencies. They will utilize a process of self-reflection as they explore important considerations and context around the conflict being addressed. Participants will define what is needed to be successful in their specific setting as they contemplate the conference process as a responsive tool and its importance in building communities.

The professional learning community meets four times via video conferencing. The two-hour weekly sessions engage participants as they practice competencies supporting effective restorative justice conference facilitation:

  • Session 1 – Create a deeper understanding of the restorative justice conferencing process. Review the conferencing script and explore the restorative principles and framework behind the conference process.
  • Session 2 – Recognize important factors for effective conference facilitation and create steps to build facilitation skills.
  • Session 3 - Identify important aspects of the conference preparation process and apply them to your specific setting.
  • Session 4 - Analyze when you would and would not run a conference. Explore alternative approaches to resolving conflict.

Learning Format:

  • You will participate in four, 2-hour live Zoom sessions.
  • Learning materials and other resources prepare learners for the live sessions.
  • Threaded discussions provide opportunities to ask relevant questions, share experiences, exchange resources, receive valuable feedback from the instructor and fellow peers, and develop strategies for effective conferencing and responsive work.

This professional learning experience is for participants who have experience in work that relates to the reparation of harm or have a strong familiarity with restorative conferencing concepts. Sessions are designed for individuals from any profession who commonly deal with conflict in their position. This may include those who work in criminal justice, education, community-based organizations, youth services, and facilitation and intervention in these spaces.

As a prerequisite, participants must have either completed the Restorative Justice Conferencing professional development training (online or in-person) or have read Restorative Justice Conferencing: Real Justice & The Conferencing Handbook.

Price: $595

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If you would like to speak about professional development events, please contact Continuing Education Specialist.

Phone: (610) 621-4227