KCY CBS 12, THE MORNING CALL / October 11, 2011This heart-wrenching story involving the traffic death and serious injury to a couple from a community near IIRP's Graduate School in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, impacts a number of IIRP employees and friends. The message conveyed by the adult children of the victims to the driver of the car that so damaged their family is astounding:
"We know you made an extremely bad decision, and we are sure it is painful for you to think about.
"God knows, we have all taken risks on the road doing far worse maneuvers without any repercussions.
"Our family wants you to know that part of healing is forgiving. We do not blame you for what happened and forgive you for any pain experienced by this tragedy.
"It is no one's fault; it is the spiritual path chosen for our parents and you. This is the way our mom and dad taught us to live and think, and we want you to experience their gift.
"Please set yourself free and forgive yourself.
"Love, the Fuller family."
Read all of "… to forgive, divine: Siblings embrace forgiveness after an auto accident kills their mother and injures their father" by Daniel Patrick Sheehan for the Allentown Morning Call here.