The most valuable resource educators have is each other.

Are you invested in creating stronger relationships in your educational environment through the use of restorative practices?

This collaborative online professional learning community explores what works, what doesn’t, how and why.

Four live weekly Zoom sessions provide opportunities to practice the full range of restorative practices:

  • Session 1 — Take inventory of successes and challenges and establish personal learning goals.
  • Session 2 — Strategize what it means to set high expectations while also providing high levels of support in your setting.
  • Session 3 — Delve deeply into proactive community building, including practical ways to foster positive relationships with students, staff and parents.
  • Session 4 — Explore responses to harm and how to utilize restorative problem-solving strategies to address needs that arise among any group in the school community.

During each live session, participants may ask relevant questions, share their experiences, receive valuable feedback from their instructor and peers, and develop strategies for effective teaching and leadership.

This event is recommended for those wanting to gain the practical experience needed to Become a Restorative Practices Trainer.

Learning format

Designed for school and district leaders, teachers, counselors and paraprofessionals, each session is facilitated by one of our engaging instructors — experienced restorative practitioners who clearly articulate key concepts and field your questions. You will join them in a professional learning community with up to 20 passionate educators from schools around the country.

  • You will participate in four 90-minute live Zoom sessions.
  • Threaded discussions provide opportunities to reflect on your strengths and challenges, propose action steps and solicit feedback.

A basic familiarity with restorative practices is expected of participants.

Price: $595


Upcoming Events

Please Note:
All events require pre-registration to attend. Event capacities are limited, and seats are reserved as payments are received.

If you require the use of a purchase order, it must contain the following information:

  • The learner’s name
  • The name of the session they are looking to attend
  • The approved amount
  • It must list the IIRP as the recipient.
  • If it requires a signature from someone in your organization, it must be signed by the appropriate staff member.

Once you obtain the purchase order, you can visit our website and register for your desired session. You must upload a copy of the purchase order at the time of registration. If you need a quote to obtain a purchase order, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

August 2025

Putting Theory into Practice for School Staff and Administrators
August 6, 2025 - August 27, 2025
Live Zoom Sessions: August 6, 13, 20, 27 2025, 7:00-8:30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Schedule a Conversation

If you would like to speak about professional development events, please contact Continuing Education Specialist.

Phone: (610) 621-4227