IIRP UK & Ireland held their 2nd Annual Conference, "Restorative Practice: The Way Forward in Salford," in partnership with Salford City Council at Salford City Stadium, on Thursday, June 20, 2013. The conference was attended by 127 people from all over the UK and Ireland.
IIRP UK & Ireland's Lesley Davey welcomes participants
As well as showcasing the great variety and quality of restorative practice taking place in Salford, attendees also heard plenaries and workshops from across England & Wales and as far away as Hong Kong and Hungary.
Vidia Negrea, director of Community Service Foundation of Hungary, an IIRP international affiliate, discussed her work in prisons during a plenary and a workshop.
Dennis Wong, a professor at the City University of Hong Kong, recounted his restorative journey and work in many areas, including the justice field, social work and schools.
Clare Topcu offered a powerful and emotional talk about the aggravated burglary that affected her and her young son and the restorative process that followed.
Participants said:
“I would like to thank the event organizers and the great speakers, especially Clare, who was brave enough to share her horrific experience to demonstrate how powerful RP is." - Jeanette Barkley, Meadows Care
“I found the testimony from Clare Topcu extremely moving ... it brought home the sheer power restorative intervention can and does have.” - Lisa Kamara, The Manchester Health Academy
A plenary performance by students from Buile Hill Visual Arts College, Salford, received particular mention:
Belinda Hopkins, of Transforming Conflict, presents a workshop
“The input from the school was absolutely fantastic – it moved me to tears. What a great idea to have that kind of input from young people and to bring in a creative arts element to the day." - Dr. Belinda Hopkins, Director, Transforming Conflict, a collaborating organization for the conference.
General comments included:
“Easily one of the best conferences I have been to and the guest speakers / workshops all excellent.” - Sue Cryer, Meadows Care
“Not only was the conference ‘informative,’ but it was excellent to go away with practical applications for the workplace. There was an excellent diversity of workshops.” - Edel Kelly, Youth Work Ireland, Galway
“The workshops were extremely well thought out and delivered in a relaxed manner. I have thoroughly enjoyed the day and will definitely take many new skills away with me.” - Janet Molyneux, Wigan Restorative Solutions Team
Find more information, including PDF files of the Plenary and Workshop Presentations submitted by presenters so far, plus some photos and video from the day.