The 16th IIRP World Conference
October 21-23, 2013 | Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Pre/post-conference Oct. 19-20 & Oct. 24-25
Day 1 - October 21, 2013
9–10:20 AM - Plenary Session - Watch video
Panel: Restorative Practices in Criminal Justice
Chair: Craig Adamson – Paper (in program book)
Panelists: Mark A. Amendola, Lisa Bedinger, Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt, Vidia Negrea
10:40–11:30 AM - Breakout Sessions 1
- Restorative Challenge: Knowing the Right Conversation (part 1 of 2-part session) - Terry O’Connell - Slides
- Peace Building: Architecture and Design as a Restorative Practice - Barb Toews, Deanna Van Buren
- High Support and High Expectations: Engaging Adult Learners in Designing and Planning the Learning Experience - Alia Sheety, Larry Melton
- Restorative Practices: Experiences and Challenges in Building Individual and Collective Responsibility Among Adolescent Offenders and Intervention Services - Joanne Blaney - Slides
- From Restorative Justice to Restorative Communities: Can the Dream Become Reality? The Israeli Experience - Zvi Gabbay
- Community Circles and Restorative Practices - Russell Ash
- Elementary School, Special Education, Restorative Classroom: What Has Worked - Thomas S. Simek, Jessica K. Petrolati - Notes
1:30–2:20 PM - Breakout Sessions 2
- Developing a Center for Restorative Practices in the Workplace: Your Input Wanted! - Bruce Schenk, Anne Martin, Mark Vander Vennen
- Using Your Sphere of Influence to Secure Support for Restorative Efforts - Justine Darling, Amy Love
- The “TO” Window and Me: Confessions of a (Sometimes) Restorative Leader - Thomas S. Fertal - Slides
- Reducing Delinquent Placements: Restorative Reporting Centers - Jerry Bradley, Craig Adamson - Slides
- Restoration Through Play - Lee Rush
- Restorative Practice as a Whole-school Approach: Respect Unchained - Steve McGarrity, Bonnie Campbell
- Restorative Practices and Intervention in the Dynamics of Bullying - Roslyn Myers - Slides
2:40–3:30 PM - Breakout Sessions 3
- Restorative Practices in Service of the Formerly Incarcerated Homeless Population in New London, Connecticut - Len Raymond - Handout
- Restorative Practices in Faith-based Communities: A New Paradigm? - Peter Hatte, Veronica Hatte
- The 21st Century’s Search for Emotional and Social Connection: How Restorative Practices Fulfills that Need - Frida C. Rundell - Slides
- Aggression Replacement Training®: Restorative Practices in Action - Mark A. Amendola, Robert W. Oliver - Slides
- Good Intentions Are Not Enough: The Science of Implementing High-quality Restorative Practices in Schools - Anne Gregory, Alycia Davis - Slides | Handout
- Peace Rooms: How to Create Hubs of Restoration in Urban High Schools - Ilana Zafran, Elma Dzanic
- The Significance of Reflection in Education: Understanding Restorative Practices as a Cooperative Reflection Process - Eriko Yamabe - Slides
3:50–4:40 PM - Breakout Sessions 4
- Restorative Practices Twisted into Delivering Essential Skills in Aboriginal Communities - Bonnie George
- Working Restoratively with the Substance-abusing Population - Elizabeth Smull - Slides
- Progress on the Road to Restore the Motor City (Detroit, Michigan) - Henry McClendon, Jr. - Slides
- Starting a Restorative Continuum with the Family at School - Gregor Rae
- Creating a Values-based and Restorative-centered Workplace Environment - Sharon L. Mast - Slides | Handout
- Paying Attention to Roles and Power Imbalance: How Power Can Undermine or Facilitate Restorative Practices - Kate Waters
Day 2 - October 22, 2013
9–10:20 AM - Plenary Session - Watch video
Panel: Restorative Practices in Schools
Chair: John Bailie – Paper (in program book)
Panelists: Harrison Bailey, Susan Bocian, Michael Calderone, Mike La Porta, Joseph Roy
10:40–11:30 AM - Breakout Sessions 5
- Restorative Challenge: Knowing the Right Conversation (part 2 of 2-part session) - Terry O’Connell
- Enhancing Education for All through Physical Education, Fine Arts and Restorative Practices - Jeff Siuta, Barbara S. Weikert
- Weaving the Thread of Service Providers: Collaboration in Multidisciplinary Settings through Restorative Practices - Marie Palumbo Hayes, Shannon Cassidy - Slides
- Restorative Practices in a San Diego Charter School - Dominique Smith, Aida Allen, Jeff Bonine
- Community as Healer: Personal Stories - Jane Pennington, Jeffrey S. Poch
- Restorative Practices and Adult Learning: Transforming the Student/Instructor Relationship in Higher Education - John Bailie - Dissertation
- Restorative Pathways Out of Violence and Gang Culture: What Works? - Michael Kearns - Slides
1:30–2:20 PM - Breakout Sessions 6
- Shifting Our Strategic Focus: Restorative Practices vs. Plea Bargains - Jan Peter Dembinski - Handout
- Using Restorative Practices to Embed a Culture for Effective Learning in the 21st Century - Jeff Coates, Suzie Taylor, Kevin Conway - Slides
- Shifting Paradigms, Positive Behavioral Supports, Restorative Practices in an Urban High School in the Midwest - Jan L. Petersen, Rob Simon - Slides
- How Restorative Practices and Principles Build Accountability, Communication and Trust in the Workplace - Sharon L. Mast - Slides | Handout 1 | Handout 2
- Government Incentives and Restorative Justice - Craig DeRoche
- Exploring Masculinity through Restorative Practices - Sarah Molitoris, Kassi Grunder - Slides | Handout
2:40–3:30 PM - Breakout Sessions 7
- Restorative Practices in Schools and Communities in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Panama - Alan Miguel Tello, Natalie Medina
- Talking Circles for Adolescent Girls in an Urban High School - Ann Schumacher
- Implementing Restorative Essential Elements: An Organizational Case Study - Craig Adamson - Slides
- So That’s What’s Going On! Understanding Emotion in Restorative Practices (part 1 of 2-part session) - Susan Leigh Deppe - Paper
- Why Should We Bother? Benefits and Challenges of Restorative Practices in Prison - Vidia Negrea
- Confonting Taboos and Meeting Needs (One Year On): Restorative Conferencing of Sensitive and Complex Cases - Les Davey, Deirdre Kenny - Case Study | Flyer
3:50–4:40 PM - Breakout Sessions 8
- Rise to the Challenge: Whole-school Implementation of Restorative Practices — It’s Not “One More Thing” - Suzanne M. McMurtray, Christina Krabitz, Laurie Scott-Bulka - Slides | Handout 1 | Handout 2
- So That’s What’s Going On! Understanding Emotion in Restorative Practices (part 2 of 2-part session) - Susan Leigh Deppe - Paper
- How Important Is Forgiveness to the Process of Restorative Justice, Restorative Practice and Reconciliation? - Peggy Lobb
- Restorative Practices and Evidence-based Programs: A Juvenile Justice Perspective - Craig Adamson - Slides
Day 3 - October 23, 2013
9–10 AM - Plenary Session - Watch video
Panel: Restorative Practices in Faith Communities - Slides
Chair: Bruce Schenk – Paper (in program book)
Panelists: Tom Albright, Anne Martin, Mark Vander Vennen
10:20–11:10 AM - Breakout Sessions 9
- A Restorative Approach to Conducting Investigations: Seizing the Opportunity to Repair Harm and Enhance Community - Kay Kyungsun Yu - Slides
- Moving Forward: The Application of Restorative Justice to Victim-survivors of Clergy-perpetrated Sexual Abuse - Delene Bromirski
- Adapting Restorative Practices to a Center for Teens Living and Learning without School - Joshua Wachtel - Slides
- An Urban Neighborhood’s Restorative Approach to Marijuana Markets - Kathy Sweetland, Jackeline Vazquez - Slides
- Applying Restorative Practice in a University Setting to Improve Campus Climate - Bonnie A. Green, Jyh-Hann Chang - Slides