apa style logoThe IIRP Graduate School uses the latest (7th) edition of American Psychological Association (APA) writing style, or APA Style, for presenting ideas and data, formatting papers, and citing sources in student assignments and scholarly publications. APA Style is the most widely-used writing style in the social sciences.

Key resources

IIRP APA Writing Guide cover

 IIRP Graduate School Writing & APA Style Guidelines (PDF).

  • This guide is illustrated with examples of references from the literature of restorative practices. It covers the most frequently-asked APA-related style topics requested by IIRP students, faculty and staff, and includes file-naming guidelines for student assignments.

APAPubManual7cover smPublication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition

  • The official, definitive resource for APA writing, citation and paper formatting style; a must-have for all students and scholars in the social sciences. We highly recommend that you obtain this essential item from the bookseller of your choice.  |  Introduction (PDF)

Additional tools

Free resources from APA:

Online tutorial:  Basics of 7th edition APA Style. Self-paced learning modules cover key components of APA Style.

APA Style and Grammar Guidelines: Information and examples for the most commonly-used elements of APA Style, including:

Checklists, quick guides and templates for paper formatting, citations and references, and mechanics of style.

Citing ChatGPT: General guidance for acknowledging ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

Inclusive language guide for reducing bias and promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in academic writing  |  Quick reference sheet (1 page) 

Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS): Guidelines for article authors and journal editors and reviewers on information to be included in manuscripts, and how to best discuss race, ethnicity and culture:

APA Style Blog:  APA in-house editors provide practical advice and in-depth insights on a wide array of formatting, referencing and writing style subjects.

Social media

Stay up to date with APA Style on FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter. Ask questions and send feedback to APA Style experts.


Contact the Librarian if you have additional questions on APA style.

Library Hours

Library Hours

The Library is located at the IIRP Graduate School’s Bethlehem campus:
531 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18108

Office hours
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday

Reference services available
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday

Contact the Librarian for questions or to schedule an appointment.

Zeau D. Modig
Phone: 610-807-3007