An article onrestorative practices in schools appears in the May 17, 2005, editionof School Board News, published by the National School BoardsAssociation, a nonprofit federation of state associations of schoolboards that represents about 15,000 local school districts throughoutthe United States. The report, by Carol Chmelynski, covers restorativeinitiatives across the US, including PEASE Academy, a school inMinnesota for students recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, apilot program in six Wisconsin school districts and the IIRP''sSaferSanerSchools program.


An article on restorative practicesin schools appears in the May 17, 2005, edition of School Board News,published by the National School Boards Association, a nonprofitfederation of state associations of school boards that represents about15,000 local school districts throughout the United States. The report,by Carol Chmelynski, covers restorative initiatives across the US,including PEASE Academy, a school in Minnesota for students recoveringfrom drug and alcohol addiction, a pilot program in six Wisconsinschool districts and the IIRP''s SaferSanerSchools program.

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