From Nova Studios web site:

This film was made as part of the 'Making an Impact Campaign' at Endeavour High School. Hull museums education service had wanted a video production company to work with a group of young people from Endeavour High school to produce content for an exhibition running at the Ferens Art Gallery from October 8th 2010.

Nova Studios were commissioned alongside it's partner organisation 'itsayshere' to carry out this work. The young people wanted to produce work on the subject of pride and came up with the idea of handing out 100 gerberas in Queen Victoria square to put a smile on people's faces.

It was very interesting to see the reaction of the public and the end result makes a great little film!

If you happen to be in a video watching mood, there's this brief clip of a teacher at Endeavor High School talking about the implementation of restorative practices there.

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