Martin Wright Speaking at the European Forum Conference for Restorative Justice Upon Receiving the AwardThe Restorative Justice Council reports (note the link below for a free download of Wright's "Toward a Restorative Society"):
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to restorative justice, Martin Wright, was presented the European Restorative Justice Award by the European Forum for Restorative Justice.
Dr Wright is a founding member of the Restorative Justice Council, seminal restorative justice author and practicing restorative justice facilitator.
A leading penal reformer in the UK Martin Wright is a former Director of the Howard League for Penal Reform and Policy Officer at Victim Support. His academic titles include Librarian of the Cambridge Institute of Criminology, Senior Research Fellow, De Montfort University, Leceister and Honorary Fellow of the Institute for Conflict Resolution, Bulgaria.
Martin’s publications include Justice for Victims and Offenders (1996), Restoring Respect for Justice: A Symposium (1999), Making Good: Prisons, Punishment and Beyond (2008) and most recently Towards a Restorative Society: a problem-solving response to harm (2010) published by the RJC (available for download here).
Not content with contributing academically and through his advocacy, Martin trained as restorative justice facilitator and is an active volunteer mediator for CALM mediation service and Lambeth Mediation Service.
The RJC welcomes this recognition of Martin Wright’s outstanding contribution to restorative justice and joins the restorative movement in thanking him for his many years of dedication to its principles, practice and development.
via News / Restorative Justice Council.