News & Announcements
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- Written by Terry O''Connell
Terry O''Connell, the Australian police sergeant who created the scripted version of conferencing in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, discusses the evolution of conferencing and the necessary elements for its continuing success and expansion. Presented at the First North American Conference on Conferencing, August 6-8, 1998, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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- Written by Jean-L. Dutil
By Hon. Judge Jean-L. Dutil, Provincial Court of Quebec. Discusses the use of sentencing circles as crime prevention in an Aboriginal community. Presented at the First North American Conference on Conferencing, August 6-8, 1998, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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- Written by Kay Pranis
Kay Pranis, Restorative Justice Planner, Minnesota Department of Corrections, discusses the importance of conferencing in involving, supporting and building community. Presented at the First North American Conference on Conferencing, August 6-8, 1998, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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- Written by John Braithwaite
By John Braithwaite, Australian National University. Discusses how research needs to show that restorative justice prevents crime in order to make it mainstream, and how restorative justice programs can improve their crime prevention capacity. Presented at the First North American Conference on Conferencing, August 6-8, 1998, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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- Written by Hennessey Hayes and Tim Prenzler, with Richard Wortley
Report prepared for Queensland Department of Justice Juvenile Justice Branch by Hennessey Hayes and Tim Prenzler, with Richard Wortley. Centre for Crime Policy and Public Safety, School of Justice Administration, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, July, 1998. "This report is no longer available for download." Abstract available here.
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- Written by Gabrielle Maxwell, Allison Morris
Paper by Allison Morris and Gabrielle Maxwell, "Western Criminology Review", 1998. Describes the role family group conferences play, drawing from research the authors conducted from 1990 to 1991 and in 1996. Reviews the extent to which young people, their families, and victims can come together to decide how best to deal with the young person''s offending.
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- Written by Paul McCold, Benjamin Wachtel
Research summary from the final report on the Bethlehem Police Family Group Conferencing Project, May 1998. Adobe Acrobat version (".pdf") also available.
Restorative Policing Experiment: The Bethlehem Pennsylvania Police Family Group Conferencing Project
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- Written by Paul McCold, Benjamin Wachtel
Full 150-page final report from an experimental study of conferencing by police in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (PDF), funded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice.
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- Written by IIRP
This survey was developed for the Bethlehem Restorative Policing Experiment (PDF). It is a combination of two sets of scales reported reliable in previously published studies and two sets of scales found reliable in the Bethlehem Experiment. The survey measures police attitudes and is intended as a pre-test before implementing a change program and again as a post-test at least 12 months later.
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- Written by IIRP
Evaluation forms used in the Bethlehem Restorative Policing Experiment (PDF). Includes: Conference Observation Form, Facilitator Data Sheet, Post-Conference Offender Questionnaire, Post-Conference Victim Questionnaire, Post-Conference Offender''s Parent Questionnaire, Post-Court Offender Questionnaire, Post-Court Victim Questionnaire, Post-Court Offender''s Parent Questionnaire.
Restorative Works Year in Review 2024 (PDF)
All our donors are acknowledged annually in Restorative Works.