The 21st Century will redefine our entire concept of higher education and adult learning.

The IIRP Graduate School demonstrates the innovation that is possible when empowering learning strategies meet the best of new technologies.

For instance, our graduate programs teach many forms of participatory group engagement that K-12 teachers can use with students. One such practice is called a “restorative circle.”

In the past, a professor might talk about circles. She might assign some readings on circles. If the class is together in person, the professor might run a role play or two. We do those things.

But what if you could sit in on a “real” restorative circle, in a real school, with real young people? And what if you could sit in on that circle without leaving home, without leaving your office or after you put your own kids to bed?

What if you could sit in on the same circle several times, perhaps seeing and learning something new each time? Then, you could bring that learning and insight to an in-person or online course cohort.

Well, today you can. Here’s a sample of a new virtual reality experience from the IIRP Graduate School.

C.W. Henry School is a K-8 public school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They serve an urban population of young people from an eclectic and ethnically diverse neighborhood. They are proud of their students, families and most of all their strong school community. 

In 2017, the school began incorporating restorative practices through the IIRP’s SaferSanerSchools™ program alongside the Committee for Children’s Second Step Program, which teaches students skills for developing emotional intelligence. 

A key part of this success is the regular use of “restorative circles” in all of their classrooms. 

Circles can be used to help students get to know one another, to discuss course content, to develop behavioral expectations or to solve problems. And sometimes, we just use circles to have fun. 

This virtual reality experience will show you a common circle that C.W. Henry would hold on a typical day. These are the types of circles they do all the time.  

We hope this experience inspires you to think differently about higher education in the 21st Century. Come learn with us.

To experience this video in 3D virtual reality, use google cardboard with your smart phone or a virtual reality headset.

Visit Dr. Bailie's website Leading Conflict.

Restorative Works Cover
Restorative Works Year in Review 2023 (PDF)

All our donors are acknowledged annually in Restorative Works.