
Gina Baral Abrams  |  Craig W. Adamson  |  Mark Amendola / Robert Oliver  |  Michael DeAntonio  |  Borbála Fellegi  |  Mary Jo Hebling Ian Marder  |   Zeau DuBois Modig  |  Nicola Preston  |  Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt  |  Frida Rundell  |  Alia Sheety  |  Elizabeth Smull  |  A. Miguel Tello

Administration & Staff
de Mezerville-López, Claire M.Keith Hickman  |  Jamie Kaintz Linda J. Kligman


Gina Baral Abrams
Abrams, G. B. (2023, Summer). A restorative practices strategy to advance community health. IIRP Presidential Paper Series, 8, 1-24.
Abrams, G. B., Hala, A., & Hickman, K. (2021, March). Using restorative practices to advance health equity in higher education [Paper presentation]. NASPA Wellness and Health Promotion Knowledge Community Health Equity Series.
NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation, NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, & American College Health Association. (2020, November). Inter-association definition of well-being 
[Working group authors: G. Abrams, S. Andes, N. Brocato, & S. Connell]

Abrams, G. B., Andes, S., Brocato, N., & Connell, S. (2020, November.) Inter-association definition of well-being. NIRSA.

Abrams, G. B., Hala, A., &  HIckman, K. (2020, October 27-28). Using restorative practices to advance health equity in higher education [Paper presentation].  American College Health Association. Closing the Gap: Strategies to Address Racial Inequity and Health Disparities on Campus Virtual Summit.

Abrams, G. B., & Kaintz, J. (2020, March). Proactive restorative practices as an innovative strategy for building sense of community among online students [Conference session]. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Annual Conference, Austin, TX, USA. (Conference cancelled)

Abrams, G. B., Smull, E., & Hala, A. (2020, February). Restorative practices: An innovative prevention framework for advancing health and well-being. Pre-conference institute presented at the NASPA Strategies Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Abrams, G. B., & Smull, E. (2019, November). Advancing campus community wellbeing using restorative practices. Keynote address presented at the Restorative Practices in Maryland Student Affairs Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Abrams, G. B., Mauriello, L., Mrowka, K., &  Willson, S. (2019, October). Innovative leadership in higher education: Using restorative practices to advance college student success. Paper presented at Community Leadership, IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Abrams, G. B. (2019, July). Community health and its determinants. Paper presented at the IIRP 2019 Summer Symposium, Bethlehem, PA.

Abrams, G. B., & Hebling, M. J. (2019, July). Restorative practices as a preventive strategy for community health and well-being. Paper presented at the IIRP 2019 Summer Symposium, Bethlehem, PA.

Abrams, G. B., & Smull, E. (2019, July). Strengthening cross-sector collaboration. Paper presented at the IIRP 2019 Summer Symposium, Bethlehem, PA.

Abrams, G. B., & Czachowski, A. (2019, May). The new cross-functional CAS standards for advancing health and well-being. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Abrams, G. B., Smull, E., Hala, A., Stone, J., & Willson, S. (2019, May). Building health campuses by increasing social connectedness and sense of community. Pre-conference workshop presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Abrams, G. B., & Andes, S. (2019, March). The new cross-functional CAS standards for advancing health and well-being. Paper presented at the 2019 National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Andes, S., Abrams, G. B., & Wilcox, D. (2019, March 27). The new cross-functional CAS standards for advancing health and well-being [Webinar]. In Illinois Higher Education Center Webinar Series.

Abrams, G. B., & Milton, A. (2019, February). The new cross-functional CAS standards for advancing health and well-being. Paper presented at the 2019 National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA) Confernce, Boston, MA.

Andes, S., Abrams, G. B., & Wilcox, D. (2019, January). The new cross-functional CAS standards for advancing health and well-being. Paper presented at the 2019 NASPA Strategies Conference, Washington, DC.

Abrams, G. B., Andes, S., DeRicco, B., Rider-Milkovich, H., & Wilcox, D. (2018). CAS cross-functional framework for advancing health and well-being. (P. J. Caretta, Ed., & L. Dahl, GD). Washington, DC: Council for the Advancement of Standards of Higher Education.

Abrams, G. B., Hebling, M. J., & Smull, E. (2018, October). Proactive restorative practices: Creating the conditions for individuals and communities to flourish. Paper presented at Strengthening the Spirit of Community, IIRP World Conference, Detroit, MI.

Abrams, G. B., & Segawa, M. (2018, March). The paradigm shift in health promotion in student affairs. Panel discussion presented at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Abrams, G. B. (2017). Prevention efforts to reduce undergraduates' high-risk alcohol use at a small, private, urban research university in the Northeast: A 20-year case study (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

Paulson, P., & Abrams, G. B. (2015, May). Unveiling vision into action: Animating the standards of practice for health promotion in higher education. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Abrams, G. B., & Costa, P. (2014, May). Health promotion directors boot camp. Pre-conference workshop presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Abrams, G. B., & Paulson, P. (2013, May). Bringing professional practice into alignment with the standards of practice for health promotion in higher education. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Abrams, G. B. (2013, April). Evaluation plan for Lehigh After Dark. Small group teleconference series, National College Health Association.

Whitlock, J., Muelehkamp, J., Eckenrode, J., Purington, A., Abrams, G. B., Barreira, P., & Kress, V. (2013). Nonsuicidal self-injury as a gateway to suicide in young adults. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(4), 486-492. 

Melichar, A., Abrams, G. B., Andes, S., Calvert, K., & Paulson, P. (2012, May). Do you have the right toolbox? The 3rd edition of the standards of practice for health promotion in higher education revealed! Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Swinford, P., & Abrams, G. B. (2012, May). Benchmark results: Infrastructure and scope of practice for health promotion in higher education. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Abrams, G. B., Andes, S., Grizzell, J., & Calvert, K. (2011, June). Visioning for the future of the standards of health promotion in higher education. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Abrams, G. B., Kolligian, J., Mills, D. L., & DeJong, W. (2011). Failure of college students to complete an online alcohol education course as a predictor of high-risk drinking that requires medical attention. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 37(6), 515-519.

Whitlock, J., Muehlenkamp, J., Purington, A., Eckenrode, A., Barreira, P., Abrams, G. B, . . . Knox, K. (2011). Non-suicidal self-injury in a college population: General trends and sex differences. Journal of American College Health, 59(8), 691-698.

Kolligan, J., & Abrams, G. B. (2010, June). Dynamics of pandemic influenza on campus. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Lederer, A., Barkley, P., Oge, V., Abrams, G. B., Wagner, A. K., & Burcin, M. (2010, June). Campus as community: Coalition-building as a health promotion tool. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Swinford, P., Fabiano, P., Robertson, J., Grizzell, J., Abrams, G. B., Melichar, A. . . . McNeil, M. (2010, March). Wellness and health enhancing education and learning. Pre-conference session presented at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Abrams, G. B., & Melichar, A. (2009, May). Evaluation essentials for health promotion in higher education. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Abrams, G. B. (2008, December). Health educators back in college. Teleconference series, New Jersey Society for Public Health Education.

Abrams, G. B., & Melichar, A. (2008, June). How to hire the best health promotion staff. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Abrams, G. B., Melichar, A., & Haubenreiser, J. (2008, June). Health promotion hot topics: Parents as partners. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Haubenreiser, J., Abrams, G. B., Burcin, M., & Coleman, T. (2008, June). Stress and burnout management strategies for health promotion professionals. Paper presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Abrams, G. B., Etkind, M., & Burke, M. C. (2008). Sexual violence and subsequent risk of sexually-transmitted disease among incarcerated women. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 14(2), 80-88.

Beck, B., Keeling, R., Pryor, J. Baral, G., & Valerio, V. (2003, March). TheHealthSurvey: A student affairs necessity. Paper presented at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Goldstein, M. A., Baral, G., Shamir, S., Diamond, D., & Gray, L. (2002, March). Communicating with and educating students about health and life issues in a highly wired university: Three innovative programs. Paper presented at the Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Burke, M. C., & Baral, G. (2001, March). Interactive games for STD awareness and education. Paper presented at the Massachusetts Department of Education Ounce of Prevention Annual Conference, Marlboro, MA.

Burke, M. C., Etkind, P., Cram, V., & Baral, G. (1998, December). The psychosocial and service needs of women seen in a prison-based STD clinic. Poster session presented at the National STD Prevention Conference, Dallas, TX.

Burke, M. C., Etkind, P., Dumas, W., & Baral, G. (1998, December). The psychosocial and service needs of STD clinic patients. Poster session presented at the National STD Prevention Conference, Dallas, TX.

Craig W. Adamson

Rosenblatt, F. F., & Adamson, C. W. (2023). Non-encounter restorative justice interventions -- now what? Contemporary Justice Review. Advance online publication.

Adamson, C. W. (2020) Intentional classroom engagement. IIRP Graduate School.

Adamson, C. (2017, October). Andragogy: Education vs. learning. Paper presented at Learning in the 21st Century: A Restorative Vision. IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA. Retrieved from

Adamson, C. W. (2016, October). Restorative interventions without an "encounter": Building social and emotional skills with youth offenders. Paper presented at Restorating Community: 21st IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA. Retrieved from

Bailie, J. W., & Adamson, C. W. (2016). Transformative graduate education through the use of restorative practices. New Directions for Teaching & Learning, 147, 75-86.  

Adamson, C. (2013, October). The adaptation and evolution of restorative practices in criminal justice. In Restorative works: What does, what doesn't, how and why. 16th World Conference of the International Institute for Restorative Practices (pp. 97-102). Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices.

Adamson, C. W. (2012). Restorative practices: Graduate students' perspectives see through a transformative learning lens (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

Adamson, C. W., & Bailie, J. W. (2012). Education versus learning: Restorative practices in higher education. Journal of Transformative Learning, 10(3), 139-156.

Mark Amendola / Robert Oliver

Viglione, N. M., Amendola, M., & Oliver, R. (2015, Summer). Applying ART in action. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 24(2), 36-40. Retrieved from

Amendola, M., & Oliver, R. (2014). Anger control training: Prepare curriculum implementation guide. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Amendola, M., & Oliver, R. (2013). Aggression replacement training and childhood trauma. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 22(2), 56-61.

Gunderson, K. K., Stromgren, B., Moynahan, L., Amendola, M., & Oliver, R. (2013). Social perception training: Prepare curriculum implementation guide. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Parker, K., Calame, R., Gunderson, K. K., Simon, A., Choi, J. C., Amendola, M., & Oliver, R. (2013). Problem-solving training: Prepare curriculum implementation guide. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Calame, R., Parker, K., Amendola, M., & Oliver, R. (2011). Resiliency and Aggression Replacement Training (R) with families. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 20(3), 47-50.

Amendola, M., & Oliver, R. (2010). Aggression Replacement Training (R) stands the test of time. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 19(2), 47-50. Retrieved from

Amendola, A. M., & Oliver, R. (2009). LSCI and aggression replacement training: A multi-modal approach. Journal of Child and Youth Care Work, 22, 9-17. Retrieved from

Amendola, A. M., & Oliver, R. (2008, Summer). Prosocial youth: The legacy of Arnold Goldstein. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 17(2), 28-30. Retrieved from

Amendola, M., & Oliver, R. (2004). Collaboration with human services and schools. In A. P. Goldstein, R. Nensen, B. Daleflod, & M. Kalt (Eds.)., New perspectives on aggression replacement training: Practice, research and application (pp. 87-104). Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons.

Amendola, A. M., & Oliver, R. (2003). LSCI and aggression replacement training: A multi-modal approach. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 12(3), 181-185.

Amendola, A. M., & Oliver, R. (2003). Nature and resolution of a model application: The Collaborative Intensive Community Treatment Program. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 12(3), 142-147. Retrieved from

Michael DeAntonio

DeAntonio, G. M. (2018). [Review of the book Adolescent violence in the home: Restorative approaches to building healthy, respectful family relationships, by G. Routt & L. Anderson]. International Journal of Restorative Justice, 1(3), 468-471. Retrieved from

DeAntonio, M. G., & White, S. H. (2017, October). Making student-directed learning a reality: Blended learning and restorative practices at Buxmont Academy. Paper presented at Learning in the 21st Century: A Restorative Vision. IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

DeAntonio, M. G. (2015). A comparative study of restorative practices in public schools (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database. (UMI No. 3734773)

DeAntonio, M. (2014, October). Where is restorative practices working in public wchools, and why is it working there? Paper presented at Restorative Works - What Works, What Doesn't, How and Why: 17th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Borbála Fellegi

Fellegi, B. (2021, Fall). Bruising and healing: The dynamics of resolving grievances. IIRP Presidential Paper Series, 5, 1-30.

Dendorfer-Ditges, R., & Fellegi, B. (2021, July-September). The European perspective on workplace mediation. Mediation Newsletter (Office of the Ombudsman for United Nations Funds and Programmes),3, 9.

Héra, G. (2018). Summary study of the project entitled "Prevention of radicalization in the prison-system" (Project ID BBA-5.1.6-16-2006-00001). Budapest, Hungary: Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention. Retrieved from

Fellegi, B., Héra, G., & Benedek, G. (2017). To talk or not to talk? The limits and promises of restorative justice in addressing social inequalities. In I. Aertsen & B. Pali (Eds.), Critical restorative justice (pp. 193-210). Oxford, England: Hart.

Fellegi, B. (2016). 'The show must go on!' - A response to Ian Marder. Restorative Justice, 4(2), 247-252.

Papp, Z. Z., Fellegi, B., & Szegő, D (2016). Contructive and destructive dialogues between victims and offenders: Testing the needs-based model of reconciliation in a restorative justice setting. Alkalamazott Pszichólogia, 16(4), 93-112.

Fellegi, B. (2013). Retribution and/or restoration? The purpose of our justice system through the lens of judges and prosecutors. In D. Cornwell, J. Blad, & M. Wright (Eds)., Civilising criminal justice: An international restorative agenda for penal reform (pp. 115-150). Hook, England: Waterside Press.

Fellegi, B., & Szegő, D. (2013). Handbook for facilitating peacemaking circles. Budapest, Hungary: P-T Mũhely. Retrieved from

Posch, E., & Fellegi, B. (2013). The state of alternative dispute resolution in Hungary. In S.Karkošková & L. Holá (Eds.), Resolving disputes in the 21st century (pp. 177-198). Budapest, Hungary: P-T Mũhely.

Barabás, T., Fellegi, B., & Windt, S. (Eds.) (2012). Responsibility-taking, relationship-building and restoration in prisons: Mediation and restorative justice in prison settings. Budapest, Hungary: P-T Mũhely.

Barabás, T., Fellegi, B., Szegő, D., & Windt, S. (2011, December). Somewhere over the rainbow: The MEREPS results in Hungary. European Forum for Restorative Justice Newsletter, 12(3), 4-6. Retrieved from

Fellegi, B. (2011). Building and toning: An analysis of the institutionalisation of mediation in penal matters in Hungary. Temida, 14(1), 21-36.

Barabás, T., Fellegi, B., & Windt, S. (Eds.) (2010). Resolution of conflicts involving prisoners: Handbook on the applicability of mediation and restorative justice in prisons. Budapest, Hungary: P-T Mũhely. Retrieved from

Fellegi, B. (2009). Út a megbékéléshez: A helyreállító igazságszolgáltatás intézményesülése Magyarországon [Toward reconciliation: The implementation of restorative justice in Hungary]. Budapest, Hungary: Napvilág Kiadó.

Arsovska, J., Valinas, M., & Fellegi, B. (2008). Prologue to the Kosovo drama: Causes and consequences of a violent ethno-political conflict. In I. Aertsen, J. Arsovska, H.-C. Rohne, M. Valinas, & K. Vanspauwen (Eds.), Restoring justice after large-scale violent conflicts: Kosovo, DR Congo and the Israeli-Palestine case (pp. 75-98). Portland, OR: Willan.

Fellegi, B. (2006). Understanding youth and crime - Listening to youth? [Book review]. International Review of Victimology, 13(2), 224-225.

Fellegi, B. (2005). Meeting the challenges of introducing victim-offender mediation in Central and Eastern European countries: Final report of AGIS project JAI/2003/AGIS/088. Leuven, Belgium: European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice. Retrieved from

Fellegi, B. (2004). Explaining the impact of restorative justice: The "4-way interaction" of morality, neutralisation, shame and bonds (Unpublished master's thesis). Retrieved from

Mary Jo Hebling

Hebling, M. J., Hickman, K. & Smull, B. (2021, February 8-11). Restorative practices: A prevention framework for advancing student well-being in K-12 [Paper presentation]. 2021 ESEA National Conference.

Hebling, M. J. (2020). Book review [Review of the book Getting more out of restorative practices in schools: Practical approaches to improve school well-being and strengthen community engagement by M. Thorsborne, N. Riestenberg, & G. McCluskey, Eds.]. International Journal of Restorative Practices, 3(2), 331-334.

Abrams, G. B., & Hebling, M. J. (2019, July). Restorative practices as a preventive strategy for community health and well-being. Paper presented at the IIRP 2019 Summer Symposium, Bethlehem, PA.

Abrams, G. B., Hebling, M. J., & Smull, E. (2018, October). Proactive restorative practices: Creating the conditions for individuals and communities to flourish. Paper presented at Strengthening the Spirit of Community, IIRP World Conference, Detroit, MI.

Hebling, M. J., & Mast, S. (2018, June). Restorative practice implementation in Maine schools: Continuing the conversation. Paper presented at The Maine Event: Youth Development Conference, Bangor, ME.

Rundell, F., Smull, E., & Hebling, M. J. (2018, February). A conversation: From brick and mortar to cyber space - addressing fears and resistance. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA (p. 4).

Hebling, M. J. (2017, October). Restorative practices coaching: Helping practitioners to score! Paper presented at Learning in the 21st Century: 22nd IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Hebling, M. J. (2016, October). Students lead: Developing a restorative practices student leadership team. Paper presented at Restoring Community: 21st IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Hebling, M. J. (2015, October). Introduction to restorative practices. Paper presented at the Allen County Superior Court Family Division Great Kids Make Great Communities Conference, Fort Wayne, IN.

Hebling, M. J., & Mast, S. (2015, June). Restorative practice implementation in Maine schools: Continuing the conversation. Paper presented at the 2015 Positive Youth Development Institute, Biddeford, ME.

Hebling, M. J. (2014, October). Restorative approaches to family reunification. Paper presented at the National Association of Social Workers - Pennsylvania Chapter Annual Conference, King of Prussia, PA.

Hebling, M. J., & Smull, B. (2014, October). Taking a look in the mirror: Restorative practices begins with us. Paper presented at Restorative Works - What Works, What Doesn't, How and Why: 17th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Hebling, M. J. (2013, February). Increasing attendance through restorative practices. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania Association of Student Assistance Professionals Conference, State College, PA.

Hebling, M. J. (2009, October). Maintaining accountability and preventing exclusion when dealing with difficult situations. Paper presented at the Restoring Community in a Disconnected World, Part 2: 12th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Hebling, M. J. (2002, October). Professional learning group model: Restorative adult learning. Paper presented at Dreaming of a New Reality: 3rd International Conference on Conferencing, Circles and Other Restorative Practices, Minneapolis, MN. 

Ian Marder

Full publication list (via Maynooth University)

Zeau DuBois Modig

Modig, Z. D. (2017, October). Researching restorative: Mining for information gold in muddy online waters. Paper presented at Learning in the 21st Century: 22nd IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Modig, Z. D. (1995). EMBASE, the Excerpta Medica database: Quick and comprehensive drug information. Biblioteca Medica Canadiana, 16(4), 152-154. Retrieved from

Bernacki, A., & Modig, Z. D. (1995, May). Online training participant demographics as a reflection of trends in the information industry. In 16th National Online Meeting proceedings, New York, May 2-4, 1995 (pp. 23-30). Medford, NJ: Information Today.

Modig, Z. D. (1994). POPLINE: One librarian's perspective. Database, 17(3), 114.

Modig, Z. D. (Ed.) (1987). Families in transition: A selected, annotative bibliography [Booklet]. New York, NY: Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Retrieved from

Modig, Z. D. (1985). School sexuality education: Opposition and answers - Materials from the Katharine Dexter McCormick Library: A selective, annotated bibliography [Booklet]. New York, NY: Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED271641) 

Nicola Preston

Preston, N. (2020). Stories of restorative justice and school exclusion: An autoethnography of relational understanding [Doctoral thesis, University of Northampton]. University of Northampton PURE.

Preston, N. (2019, August 27). Restorative justice use in school. Children & Young People Now.

Preston, N. (2018, October 2). Restorative storytelling [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Preston, N. (2018). Marian Partington, If you sit very still: A sister's fierce engagement with traumatic loss [Book review]. International Journal of Restorative Justice, 1(1), 161-164.

Preston, N. (2017, 26 September). Restorative practice: Policy context.. Children & Young People Now.

Preston, N. (2016, June). Restorative practices, affect script psychology and neurodiversity in education. Paper presented at Restoring Connections: Justice, Education, Community - IIRP Latinoamérica Conference, San José, Costa Rica. Retrieved from

Preston, N. (2015). Restorative practices, affect script psychology and the social and emotional aspects of learning. In T. Gavrielides (Ed.), The psychology of restorative justice: Managing the power within (pp. 29-48). London, England: Routledge.

Preston, N. (2015, September 10). Restorative practices - it's good to talk. Headteacher Update. Retrieved from

Preston, N. (2013). Engagement in learning: An action research study of factors influencing the engagement of key stage 1 special educational needs boys in writing (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Northampton, Northampton, England.

Preston, N. (2011, Spring). Restorative education: An education system with relationships at heart. Resolution, 40, 15. Retrieved from

Preston, N. (2009). Standards and accreditation in restorative justice: An investigation of the viability and relevance of establishing an accreditation system for restorative justice practitioners (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Chester, Chester, England.

Davey, L., & Preston, N. (2007). A restorative story - Mary finds some money: Guidance and implementation, ages 4-11. Todmordon, England: International Institute for Restorative Practices UK Office.

Preston, N. (2002). Neighbourhood empowerment: A model of community consultation [Booklet]. [Aylesbury, England]: Thames Valley Partnership. Retrieved from

Preston, N. (2002). Restorative justice - a new school of thought? Introducing restorative justice into the school setting [Booklet]. Aylesbury, England: Thames Valley Partnership. Retrieved from

Fernanda Fonseca Rosenblatt

Rosenblatt, F. F., & Adamson, C. W. (2023). Non-encounter restorative justice interventions -- now what? Contemporary Justice Review. Advance online publication.

Rosenblatt, F. F., de Mello, M. M. P., & de Medeiros, C. S. L'A. Q. (2022). Secondary victimisation, procedural injustices, and machismo: The experiences of women who access Brazil's not-so-specialised domestic violence courts. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.

Rosenblatt, F. F., & de Farias, K. A. D. (2021). Where is 'race' in restorative justice? Creating space for book reviews 'with a focus.' The International Journal of Restorative Justice, 4(3), 487-495.

de Mello, M. M. P., Rosenblatt, F. C. de F., & de Medeiros, C. S. l’A. Q. (2021). Para além do "mundo jurídico": Um diálogo com as equipes multidisciplinares de Juizados (ou Varas) de Violência Doméstica. Revista Direito e Práxis, 12(1), 608-641.

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2019). How do we 'walk the talk'? Some reflections on restorative justice's (perhaps not so?) hidden values. In B. Pali, K. Lauwaert, & S. Pleysier (Eds.), The praxis of justice: Liber amicorum Ivo Aertsen (pp. 51-57). Eleven International Publishing.

Advincula, M. J. P., Santos, P. H. R. C., & Rosenblatt, F. F. (2018). A busca por manifestações práticas de justiça restaurativa no Brasil: Um ensaio crítico em torno dos círculos restaurativos e das dificuldades de se estabelecer um encontro com a brasilidade. In: V. de C. Leal, J. T. Esteves, C. M. Padilha, I. V. Chaves, & A. U. Barradas (Eds). Conflitos e novos desafios do direito: Política, meio ambiente e novas tecnologias (pp.195-210). Belo Horizonte, Brazil: RTM.

De Mello, M. M. P., Rosenblatt, F. C. de F., & de Medeiros, C. S. l’A. Q. (2018). O que pensam as juízas e os juízas sobre a aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha: Um princípio de diálogo com a magistratura de sete capitais brasileiras. Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas, 8(1), 422-449. Retrieved from

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2018). Criminology in Brazil: Beyond "made-in-the-north" criminal narratives. In R. A. Triplett (Ed.), Handbook of the history and philosophy of criminology (pp. 345-359). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2018, August). Victims of domestic violence and restorative justice in Brazil: Notes from the 'periphery' to the 'world centres.' Seminar presented at the Leuven Institute of Criminology, Leuven, Netherlands, August 27, 2018. Retrieved from

Rosenblatt, F. F., Mello, M. M. P., & Medeiros, C. S. L. Q. (2018). Quem são elas e o que elas dizem? Representações das mulheres usuárias dos juizados (ou varas) de violência doméstica em seis capitais brasileiras. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais, 26(146): 329-371. 

Rosenblatt, F. F., Medeiros, C. S. L. Q., & Mello, M. M. P. (2018). Entre práticas retributivas e restaurativas: A lei Maria da Penha e os avanços e desafios do poder judiciário. In V. de C. Leal, A. M. Correa, & M. L. Barbosa (Eds) , O direito público em perspectiva: Meio ambiente, política e sociedade (pp. 111-144). Belo Horizonte, Brazil: RTM.

Rosenblatt, F. F., Castro, H. R. C., Valenca, M. A., & Mello, M. M. P. (2018). A atividade policial de criminalização de mulheres por Ttáfico de drogas. In V. de C. Leal, A. M. Correa, & M. L. Barbosa (Eds) , O direito público em perspectiva: Meio ambiente, política e sociedade (pp. 85-90). Belo Horizonte, Brazil: RTM.

Zinsstag, E., Aertsen, I., Walgrave, L., Rosenblatt, F. F., & Parmentier, S. (2018). The International Journal of Restorative Justice: New horizons for independent research and development. International Journal of Restorative Justice, 1(1), 3-8.

Castro, H. R. C., Valenca, M. A., & Rosenblatt, F. F. (2016). Por uma investigação preliminar democrática: O contraditório na interceptação telefônica. In:  A. E. R. Santoro & F. M. Maduro (Eds), Interceptação telefônica: Os 20 anos da lei N. 9.296/96 (pp. 213-236). Belo Horizonte, Brazil: D’Plácido.

Mello, M. M. P., Machado, E. B. L. A., Valenca, M. A., & ROSENBLATT, F. F. (2016). Olha quem está falando: Trajetória das adolescentes em conflito com a lei a partir das falas das internas e da magistratura do TJPE e do TJDF. Discursos Sediciosos, 20(23/24), 347-360.

Mello, M. M. P., Rosenblatt, F. F. & Medeiros, C. S. L. Q. (2016). Precisamos conversar sobre os efeitos não declarados da lei “Maria da Penha”. Boletim IBCCRIM, 24(285),18-19.

Rosenblatt, F. F. 2016. Pesquisa em justiça restaurativa. In M. L. Pelizzoli (Ed.), Justiça restaurativa: Caminhos da pacificação aocial (pp. 113-128). Recife, Brazil: Editora UFPE.

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2016). Restorative justice and the blurring between reparation and rehabilitation. In T. Gavrielides (Ed.), Offenders no more: An interdisciplinary restorative justice dialogue (pp. 39-59). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Rosenblatt, F. F., Silva Neto, J. A., Advincula, M. J. P., & SANTOS, P. H. R. C. (2016). O direito ao conflito nos casos de violência doméstica: Potencialidades e riscos. In G. F. Santos, J. P. A. Teixeira, & M. L. C. de Araújo (Eds.), Direito, democracia e internacionalização da Constituição: Direito(s) em debate (pp. 260-270). Recife, Brazil: APPODI.

Hoyle, C., & Rosenblatt, F. F. (2015). Looking back to the future: Threats to the success of restorative justice in the United Kingdom. Victims & Offenders, 11(1), 1-20.

Machado, E. B. L. A., & Rosenblatt, F. F. (2015). A proposta socioeducativa, a responsabilização como retribuição e a saída restaurativa: Uma indispensável reflexão sobre a prática judicial e a Doutrina da Proteção Integral. In L. G. G. Ribeiro, B. M. M. Santos; M. M. P. De Mello (Eds.), Criminologias e política criminal (pp. 1-30). Florianópolis, Brazil: CONPEDI.

Oliveira, L., Rosenblatt, F. F., & de Mello, M. M. P.  (Eds.) (2015). Para além do código de Hamurabi: estudos sociojurídicos. Recife, Brazil: ALIDI. Retrieved from

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2015). Uma saída restaurativa ao processo de vitimização secundária. In W. R. Filho, H. Piedade, Jr., & E. Kosovski (Eds), Vitimologia na contemporaneidade (pp. 84-96). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Letra Capital.

Rosenblatt, F. F., & Fernández, D. B. (2015). Paving the way toward a 'Latin' restorative justice. Restorative Justice, 3(2), 149-158.

Rosenblatt, F. F., & Valenca, M. A. (2015). Saídas restaurativas para uma justiça em linha de montagem.  In L. Oliveira, F. F. Rosenblatt, & M. M. P. de Mello (Eds.), Para além do código de Hamurabi: estudos sociojurídicos (pp. 203-214). Recife, Brazil: ALIDI. Retrieved from

Rosenblatt, F. F., & de Mello, M. M. P. (2014). O uso da Justiça Restaurativa em casos de violência de gênero contra a mulher: Potencialidades e riscos. In L. Oliveira, F. F. Rosenblatt, & M. M. P. de Mello (Eds.), Para além do código de Hamurabi: estudos sociojurídicos (pp. 99-112). Recife, Brazil: ALIDI. Retrieved from

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2015). The role of community in restorative justice. Oxon, England: Routledge.

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2014). Em busca das respostas perdidas: Uma perspectiva crítica sobre a justiça restaurativa. In Criminologias e Políticas Criminals II (pp. 443-465). Retrieved from

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2014). Community involvement in restorative justice: Lessons from an English and Welsh case study on youth offender panels. Restorative Justice, 2(3), 280-301.

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2014). Lançando um olhar empírico sobre a justiça restaurativa: alguns desafios a partir da experiência inglesa [An empirical look into the practice of restorative justice: Some challenges drawn from an English case study]. Revista Brasileira de Sociologia do Direito, 1(2), 72-82.

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2014). Um olhar crítico sobre o papel da comunidade nos processos restaurativos [A critical review of the role of community in restorative processes]. Sistema Penal & Violência, 6(1), 43-61.

Rosenblatt, F. F. (2014). The victimization of street children in Brazil. In D. L. Rothe & D. Kaullarich (Eds.), Towards a victimology of state crime (pp. 15-32). Oxon, England: Routledge.

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Rosenblatt, F. F. (2012). A youth justice approach to the street children phenomenon in Brazil: A critical review. Youth Justice, 12(3), 229-244.

Rosenblatt, F. F., Machado, E. B., & Mello, M. M. P. (2012). Uma análise crítica das decisões judiciais em sede de pedidos de suspensão fundamentados nagrave lesão à segurança pública. In J. M. W. G. Neto & E. R. de C. Neto (Eds.). Príncipes e pretores: Política e direito sob a ótica dos pedidos desuspensão (pp.191-220). Recife, Brazil: Editora Universitária UFPE.

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Frida Rundell

Rundell, F. C. (2023). The art of narrative. Imagine That Enterprises, LC.

Rundell, F. C. (2022). Systemic racism: A transgenerational trauma haunting the soul of South Africa. Samuel DeWitt Proctor Institute for Leadership, Equity, & Justice.

Rundell, F. C. (2021, Summer). Processing trauma using the Relational Care Ladder. IIRP Presidential Paper Series, 4, 1-20.

Rundell, F., Sheety, A., & Negrea, V. (2018). Managing trauma: A restorative process. In E. Sengupta & P. Blessinger (Eds.), Refugee education: Integration and acceptance of refugees in mainstream society (pp. 17-31). Bingley, England: Emerald Publishing.

Rundell, F. (2018, June). Brain research and social-emotional learning. Paper presented at Restoration Matters: 2018 Restorative Discipline Summer Institute, Shrewsbury, MO.

Sheety, A., & Rundell, F. (2018, June). Tuning into restorative approaches to leadership. Paper presented at the PA ACE Annual Leadership Conference and Retreat, Radnor, PA.

Rundell, F., Smull, E., & Hebling, M. J. (2018, February). A conversation: From brick and mortar to cyber space - addressing fears and resistance. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA (p. 4). 

Sheety, A., & Rundell, F. (2012). A PLG (professional learning group): How to stimulate learners’ engagement in problem solving. US-China Education Review A, 5, 497-503. Retrieved from

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Rundell, F. (2007). “Re-storying-ing” our restorative practices. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 16(2), 52-59.

Rundell, F. (2006, October). The seer's eyes: Re-storying the Umlazi community. Paper presented at The Next Step, Part 2, Developing Restoring Communities: 8th International Conference on Conferencing, Circles and Other Restorative Practices, Bethlehem, PA. Retrieved from

Rundell, F. C. (2004). Ties that bind. Durban, South Africa: Durban Art Gallery.

Rundell, F. C. (2004). In search of the soul of Africa: From the president’s desk. Papers from the SAAMFT 9th Annual Conference. Durban, South Africa: SAAMFT National Office.

Rundell, F. C. (2001). Co-vision: A community program of caring professionals (Doctoral dissertation). University of Zululand, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa.

Rundell, F. (1998). Co-vision: An alternate to supervision. In S. Shuda, R. Mauer, A. R. Haarhoff, & D. Haarhoff (Eds.). One nation, many families. Gender, hope and training: Papers from the 8th International Conference of SAAMFT. Cape Town, South Africa: Creda Communications.

Rundell, F. C. (1995). Religious orientation and its relation to sexual attitudes amongst adolescents (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

Alia Sheety

Rundell, F., Sheety, A., & Negrea, V. (2018). Managing trauma: A restorative process. In E. Sengupta & P. Blessinger (Eds.), Refugee education: Integration and acceptance of refugees in mainstream society (pp. 17-31). Bingley, England: Emerald Publishing.

Sheety, A., Kapanadze, M., & Joubran, F. (2018). High school teachers' perceptions regarding inquiry-based science curriculum in the United States, Georgia, and Israel. In C. Roofe & C. Bezzina (Eds.), Intercultural studies of curriculum: Theory, policy and practice (pp. 59-83). London, England: Palgrave Macmillan.

Francis, D. M., Colbry, S. L., Hoyle, A. G.,  Ratmansky, L. A., Sheety, A. S., & Szpara, M. Y. (2017). Opting into a faculty scholarship community: Benefiting productivity and personal well-being. Journal of Faculty Development, 31(3), 51-60.

Rademacher, N., & Sheety, A. (2016). Enhancing learning through community-based partnership. In In P. Blessinger & B. Cozza (Eds.), University partnerships for international development (pp. 191-205). Bingley, England: Emerald Group Publishing.

Sheety, A., Moy, E., Parson, J., Dunbar, D., Doutt, K. C., Faunce, E., & Myers, L. (2016). University partnerships for academic program and professional development: Building faculty capacity for 21st century teaching and learning. In P. Blessinger & B. Cozza (Eds.), University partnerships for academic programs and professional development (pp. 221-242). Bingley, England: Emerald Group Publishing.

Sheety, A. (2015, October). If you can't beat them, join them. Paper presented at E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education, Kona, HI. Retrieved from

Sheety, A., & Rademacher, N. (2015). Inquiry-based learning as foundational pedalogical tool for critical examination of social justice in theory and action. In P. Blessinger & J. M Carfora (Eds.), Inquiry-based learning for multidisciplinary programs: A conceptual and practical resource for educators (pp. 119-138). Bingley, England: Emerald Group Publishing.

Sheety, A., & Rademacher, N. (2015, April). Teaching for change: Developing student leaders who can dialogue across the curriculum. In C. A. Shoniregun & G. A. Akmayeva (Eds). IICE-2015 proceedings: Ireland International Conference on Education, April 20-22, 2015, Dublin, Ireland (pp. 247-250). Basildon, England: Infonomics Society.

Sheety, A. (2014, March). Awareness and empowerment: Teaching with metacognition to enhance learning in higher education. Paper presented at the SoTL Commons Conference, Savannah, GA. Retrieved from

Sheety, A. (2014, October). Meeting emotional and cognitive needs: Lessons learned from adult students' peference of learning situations. Paper presented at the Online Learning Consortium International Conference, Orlando, FL. Retrieved from

Sheety, A., & Melton, L. (2014, March). How the interaction between cognition, behaviors and emotions affects learning preference in adults in higher education. Paper presented at the SoTL Commons Conference, Savannah, GA. Retrieved from

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Sheety, A. (1999, April). Curriculum and peace in the Middle East. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association annual meeting, Montreal, Canada. Retrieved from

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Elizabeth Smull

Hebling, M. J., Hickman, K. & Smull, B. (2021, February 8-11). Restorative practices: A prevention framework for advancing student well-being in K-12 [Paper presentation]. 2021 ESEA National Conference.

Abrams, G. B., Smull, E., & Hala, A. (2020, February). Restorative practices: An innovative prevention framework for advancing health and well-being. Pre-conference institute presented at the NASPA Strategies Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Abrams, G. B., & Smull, E. (2019, November). Advancing campus community wellbeing using restorative practices. Keynote address presented at the Restorative Practices in Maryland Student Affairs Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Abrams, G. B., & Smull, E. (2019, July). Strengthening cross-sector collaboration. Paper presented at the IIRP 2019 Summer Symposium, Bethlehem, PA.

Abrams, G. B., Smull, E., Hala, A., Stone, J., & Willson, S. (2019, May). Building health campuses by increasing social connectedness and sense of community. Pre-conference workshop presented at the American College Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.

Abrams, G. B., Hebling, M. J., & Smull, E. (2018, October). Proactive restorative practices: Creating the conditions for individuals and communities to flourish. Paper presented at Strengthening the Spirit of Community, IIRP World Conference, Detroit, MI.

Rundell, F., Smull, E., & Hebling, M. J. (2018, February). A conversation: From brick and mortar to cyber space - addressing fears and resistance. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA (p. 4). 

Smull, E., & Karaman, P. (2017, October). To learn or unlearn ... that is the question. Paper presented at Learning in the 21st Century: 22nd IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Smull, E., & Schantz, D.  B. (2017, June). Using motivational interviewing to contemplate change and create dialogue in a restorative community. Paper presented at the International Conference on Motivational Interviewing, Philadelphia, PA.

Smull, E., & Bradley, J. (2016, October). Merging FGDM and juvenile justice in Restorative Reporting Centers: A creative approach to engaging families. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania Statewide FGDM Meeting, Harrisburg, PA. Retrieved from

Smull, E. (2015, November). Overview of restorative practices. Workshop presented at the 12th Annual International Bullying Prevention Assocation Conference, Denver, CO.

Smull, E. (2015, November). Creating a community of care with restorative practices. Workshop presented at the 12th Annual International Bullying Prevention Assocation Conference, Denver, CO.

Santin, S., & Smull, E. (2015, October). Introduction to motivational interviewing and stages of change. Paper presented Restorative Works - Share, Teach, Engage: 19th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.  Retrieved from

Smull, E. (2015, October). Addiction and its effects on families. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania Statewide FGDM Meeting, Harrisburg, PA.

Smull, E. (2015, June). Restorative practices framework. Paper presented at the Restorative Discipline Summer Institute, St. Louis, MI.

Smull, E. (2015, May). Building a partnership with families through restorative practices and creating a restorative school culture. Paper presented at the Tennessee Conditions for Learning Forum, Murfreesboro, TN.

Smull, E. (2015, February). Restorative practices 1: Creating a restorative school culture. Paper presented at the National Association of Secondary School Principals Ignite '15 Conference, San Diego, CA.

Smull, E. (2015, February). Restorative practices 2: Implementing a restorative school culture. Paper presented at the National Association of Secondary School Principals Ignite '15 Conference, San Diego, CA.

Smull, E. (2014, November). Responding to bullying with restorative practices. Paper presented at the International Bullying Prevention Association annual conference, San Diego, CA.

Hebling, M. J., & Smull, E. (2014, October). Taking a look in the mirror: Restorative practices begins with us. Paper presented at Restorative Works - What Works, What Doesn't, How and Why: 17th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Smull, E. (2014, June). Family power: Working "with" families to help them realize their power. Paper presented at the 17th National Conference on FGDM and Other Family Engagement Approaches, Vail, CO.

Smull, B. (2013, October). Working restoratvely with the substance-abusing population. Paper presented at Restorative Works - What Works, What Doesn't, How and Why: 16th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA. Retrieved from 

Smull, E., Wachtel, J., & Wachtel, T. (2012). Family power: Engaging and collaborating with families. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices.

Smull, E. (2009). Real or token engagement and agency changes, formal or informal: How far do we go? Paper presented at the American Humane Conference on Family Group Decision Making (FGDM) and Other Family Engagement Approaches, Pittsburgh, PA.

Smull, E. (2009, October). Family group decision making with at-risk youth. Paper presented at the Restoring Community in a Disconnected World, Part 2: 12th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

A. Miguel Tello

Tello, M., García, F., & Coreas, J. (Eds.). (2023). Encounters with restorative practices: Restorative stories in Central America and the Dominican Republic. Amazon.

Tello, M., & García, F. (2020, December). Using circles to cope with the eruption of Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala. ENGAGE!, 1(3), 7-17.

Tello, A. M. (2017, October). Restorative practices and theatre. Paper presented at Learning in the 21st Century: 22nd IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA. Retrieved from

Tello, M. (2016, June). Formulando buenas preguntas para círculos. Paper presented at the 2016 IIRP Latin American Conference, San José, Costa Rica. Retrieved from

Tello, A. M., & Medina, N. (2013, October). Restorative practices in schools and communities in El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Panama. Paper presented at Paper presented at Restorative Works - What Works, What Doesn't, How and Why: 16th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Tello, M. (2009, October). Promotion and use of restorative practices in Costa Rica. Paper presented at the Restoring Community in a Disconnected World, Part 2: 12th IIRP World Conference, Bethlehem, PA.

Administration & Staff

Claire M. de Mezerville-López

de Mezerville López, C. (2023). La gaveta. Editorial Abyad.

de Mezerville-López, C. M. (2023). Developmental assets and community-based youth programs in Colombia, Guatemala, and Honduras. Journal of Youth Development, 18(3), Article 2.

de Mezerville-López, C. M., Ochoa, T. A., Ovares-Fernández, Y., & Ureña-Salazar, V. (2023). Reentry barriers forincarcerated girls With undiagnosed disabilities in Costa Rica. Intervention in School and Clinic, 58(5), 340-347.

Maki Weller, N., de Mezerville-López, C. M., Pérez-Ramírez, B., & Ochoa, T. A. (2023). Trauma and abuse among incarcerated girls in the United States and Costa Rica. Intervention in School and Clinic, 58(5), 333-339.

Ochoa, T. A., Ovares-Fernández, Y., Weller, N. M., de Mezerville-López, C., Ureña-Salazer, V., Guillén-Ulate, E., & Pérez-Ramírez, B. (2023). How COVID-19 worsened the mental health problems of incarcerated youth. In J. M. Kauffman & J. Badar (Eds.), Navigating students' health in the wake of COVID-19: Using public health crises to inform research and practice (pp. 57-74). Routledge.

de Mezerville-López, C. M. (2022). Developing a strength-based evaluation process to assess Spanish youth programs (Publication no. 29393200) [Master's thesis, International Institute for Restorative Practices].

de Mezerville-López, C. (2021). Alaia: Tierra des dinosaurios. Editorial UCR.

de Mezerville-López, C., Villalobos, R. M.,  Ovares Fernández, Y., &  Ureña Salazer, V. (2021). La delincuencia juvenil en Costa Rica: Modelos integrales de atención educativa para un fenómeno multifactorial. Revista Estudios, 42, 255-287.

de Mezerville-López, C. (2020). Diecisete. Editorial UCR.

de Mezerville-López, C. M. (2020). Una pedagogía restaurativa y para la paz ante la pandemia y post pandemia: Un enfoque comunitario desde la docencia. Revista Estudios, 41, 244-265.

Ovares Fernández, Y., Meza Rodríguez, A. E., & de Mezerville-López, C. (2020). Aportes interdisciplinarios en la atención educativa de jóvenes en situactió de riesgo social para la estimulación de habilidades productivas al plantear un proyecto de vida. Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigación en Educación.

de Mezerville-López, C. (2019). Abordajes restaurativos y cultura de paz ante un siglo de incertidumbre. Revista Mexicana de Ciencies Penales, 2(7), 109-128.

de Mezerville-López, C. (2019). Adolescence and creativity: cognitions and affect involved in positive youth development. Arts and Humanities Open Access Journal, 3(4), 163-168.

de Mezerville-López, C. M. (2019). Adolescencia y religiosidad en el siglo XXI: una reflexión desde la psicología
educativa. Revista Estudios, 38, 251-265.

de Mezerville-López, C. (2019). Fostering resilience in Costa Rican teachers: An analysis from a restorative practices perspective. Arts and Humanities Open Access Journal, 3(3), 150-154.

de Mezerville-López, C. M. (2019). Protagonismo adolescente. El rol del estudiantado en la implementación de prácticas restaurativas
en el Liceo San Rafael de Alajuela. Revista de Educación y Desarrollo, 50, 9-17.

de Mezerville-López, C., Meza Rodríguez, A. E., Ochoa, T. A., & Ovares Fernández, Y. (2019). Aplicaciones educativas en secundaria para la prevención de la criminalización estudiantil: un enfoque desde la Justicia Restaurativa y los Derechos Humanos. Revista Latinoamerica de Derechos Humanos, 30(1), 123-147.

Mezerville-López, C. M. (2018). El diálogo desafiante: Cultura de paz en lo referente a la educación sexual Costarricense. Revista Estudios, 37, 1-21.

de Mezerville-López, C. M. (2012). Entrenamiento en prácticas restaurativas y su impacto sobre la
inteligencia emocional percibida de seminaristas católicos Costarricenses [Master's thesis, Tecnológico de Monterrey]. RITEC Digital Repository.

Keith Hickman

Hickman, K. (2022, Fall). Creating cultural change in education. IIRP Presidential Paper Series, 7, 1-21.

Abrams, G. B., Hala, A., &  HIckman, K. (2020, October 27-28). Using restorative practices to advance health equity in higher education [Paper presentation].  American College Health Association. Closing the Gap: Strategies to Address Racial Inequity and Health Disparities on Campus Virtual Summit.

Jamie Kaintz

Kaintz, J. (2022, Spring). Using Fair Process to build online graduate student services. IIRP Presidential Paper Series, 6, 1-28.

 Linda J. Kligman

Kligman, L., McClendon, H. L., & Mencos, F. G. (2023). The reciprocity of dignity: Transforming us/them narratives through inclusive dialogue. In J. Barnes, M. J. Stevens, B. Z. Ekelund, & K. Perham-Lippman (Eds.), Inclusive leadership: Equity and belonging in our communities (pp. 233-241). Emerald Publishing Ltd.

Kligman, L. (2023). Widening circles: Workplaces applying restorative principles. In H. Vah Seliskar (Ed.), Restorative justice and practices in the 21st century (pp. 1-23). IGI Global.

Kligman, L., & Abdul Rahim, R. B. (2023). Democratizing leadership-followership: Restorative practices in the age of disruption. In S. K. Dhiman, J. Marques, J. Schmieder-Ramirez, & P. G. Malakyan (Eds.), Handbook of global leadership and followership: Integrating the best leadership theory and practice (pp. 1–24). Springer.

Kligman, L. (2022, August 25). Changing agendas: Rethinking followership to improve leadership meetings. PAUSE for Pedagogy. International Leadership Association.

Kligman, L. (2021). Engaging for positive peace. Penumbra: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Critical and Creative Inquiry, 8 (Summer), 3–13.

Kligman, L. (2021). Sparking creativity: Workplace applications of restorative practices. IIRP Presidential Paper Series, 3, 1-22.

Kligman, L. (2020). Widening circles: A grounded theory study of workplace leadership (Publication no. 2470040553) [Doctoral dissertation, Union Institute & University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Kligman, L. (2019). Engaging in difference using restorative practices. Penumbra: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Critical and Creative Inquiry, 6 (Summer), 14–27.


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