- 1. John Braithwaite, Ph.D.
- (Trustees)
- Honorary Trustee Professor, Law Program, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University Dr. John Braithwaite is a renowned criminologist and leader in the restorative justice movement. ...
- 2. John Braithwaite: Peacebuilder, Social Scientist and Restorative Justice Activist
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- By Joshua Wachtel Download PDF version John BraithwaiteOn June 16, 2006, John Braithwaite will be one of two social scientists awarded the first Stockholm Prize in Criminology from the Swedish Ministry ...
- 3. John Braithwaite Revisited
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- Since I hadn't actually been in Halifax for the International Conference in June, I passed along my blog entry about John Braithwaite's keynote to a few people who had been there, including Terry O'Connell. ...
- 4. John Braithwaite's Keynote at IIRP's 14th International Conferen
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- ... this page. In this first installment, it's John Braithwaite's keynote, in which he spoke in general terms about restorative justice, restorative practices, restorative living and related issues. Braithwaite ...
- 5. John Braithwaite on Using Research to Invest in Crime Reduction
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- In this piece, "Less Prison, better prevention of crime," Australian criminologist John Braithwaite argues that the evidence shows in so many areas that restorative rather than punitive responses, and also ...
- 6. Presidential Paper Series
- (Restorative Practices)
- ... practices John Braithwaite, Ph.D. PDF Download Abstract: Recognizing that punitive approaches to inappropriate behavior were ineffective in producing desired change, schools employed restorative ...
- 7. Restorative Justice Practices of Native American, First Nation and Other Indigenous People of North America: Part One
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- ... who we are!’” (John Braithwaite, author of Crime, Shame and Reintegration, is a professor at Australian National University’s Center for Restorative Justice. To read his paper, “Restorative Justice and ...
- 8. Restorative Practices in Business: Building a Community for Learning and Change Within Organizations
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- ... & Johnson, 1982). "I was disappointed that you didn’t get the report in on time. I know you can do better." Next on the continuum are affective questions, "What happened? Who do you think was affected? ...
- 9. Restorative Justice Practice: The State of the Field 1999
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- ... also observed this model and discussed its origins with Stephen Mugford during a visit sponsored by ANU in November 1995. 9 Conversation with John Braithwaite, ANU Canberra, 1/12/98. 10 Conversation ...
- 10. From Empathy to Community
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- ... with an opportunity to gain some empathy for those they have affected with their behavior. Coincidentally writing in 1989, the same year that conferencing began in New Zealand, John Braithwaite, in his ...
- 11. External Databases - Free Public Resources
- (Library)
- ... justice. | Observatorio International de Justicia Juvenil (en Español) John Braithwaite Collected works include monographs, articles and blog posts; searchable by document type, year and theme. National ...
- 12. Family Group Conferencing Worldwide: Part One in a Series
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- ... adding, "The work of Braithwaite [John Braithwaite, Crime, Shame and Reintegration, 1989] is helping us to think about FGDM within the context of the democratic process. It will be interesting to see if ...
- 13. Restorative Justice Without Offender Participation: A Pilot Program for Victims
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- ... component of a restorative system and should be seen at least as partially restorative. (Zehr, pp. 55-56, 2002) John Braithwaite, a well-known Australian criminologist and proponent of restorative ...
- 14. Restorative Justice in Everyday Life: Beyond the Formal Ritual
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- ... or enabling. The term “authoritarian” has been used to describe the punitive parent while the restorative parent has been called “authoritative.”2 Further, we can apply John Braithwaite’s terms to the ...
- 15. Justicia Restaurativa en la Vida Cotidiana: Más Allá del Ritual Formal
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- ... [2] Es más, podemos aplicar los términos de John Braithwaite a la ventana” respuestas “estigmatizantes” al mal comportamiento son punitivos mientras que las respuestas “reintegrativas” son restaurativas. ...
- 16. Can restorative practices prevent war?
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- ... school [has assurance they can use the land]” (p. 552). John Braithwaite (left) and Ali Gohar (center) during spring 2013Braithwaite comments, “One of the ways watching Ali at work has changed my thinking ...
- 17. Congreso Justicia y Educación con Visión Restaurativa
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- ... dos días del congreso dio inicio con una sesión plenaria, seguida en ambos días por una jornada completa de bloques de talleres. El invitado especial, el Dr. John Braithwaite, Ph.D., Profesor Distinguido ...
- 18. Community Is Not a Place: A New Look at Community Justice Initiatives
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- ... with restorative justice principles that emerges out of problem-oriented policing of Herman Goldstein and the work of Australians John Braithwaite and David Moore. Micro-communities are the social networks ...
- 19. Power, Authority and Restorative Practices
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- John Bailie is assistant director of training and consulting at the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, and a lecturer at the IIRP Graduate School. ...
- 20. Linking Crime Prevention to Restorative Justice
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- By John Braithwaite, Australian National University. Discusses how research needs to show that restorative justice prevents crime in order to make it mainstream, and how restorative justice programs can ...