Terms: Fall – September through December; Spring – January through May; Summer – June through August.
Workload: Students should plan for 10–15 hours of work per week for each course.
Plan ahead: The final registration deadline is one week before the start of each course. Students are encouraged to register earlier to have time to purchase books and become familiar with the learning management system prior to the first day of class.
Spring 2025 Course Offerings
Required Courses
RP 500 Basic Restorative Practices
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Blended | Course duration: 4 weeks (23 hours online) | Prerequisite: NoneSee below for blended course requirements
RP 500.01 April 9 - May 6 (Register by April 2, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
Before taking RP 500, students will need to have attended IIRP professional development experiences within 5 years of starting this course:
- Introduction to Restorative Practices and Using Circles Effectively or
- Restorative Practices for Educators or
- Restorative Practices for Independent Schools or
- Reimagining Campus Community with Restorative Practices
AND either
- Facilitating Restorative Conferences or
- Restorative Justice Conferencing
This course explores the fundamental principles, philosophy, theories, practices, models and skills of restorative practices. Special emphasis will be placed on proactive and responsive circles, restorative conferencing and the informal application of these processes. Issues critical to the development of restorative practices, such as models of human interaction, theories of behavior and current research will be considered. Students will assess the role of human emotion, especially shame, in social relationships.
Students may choose either RP 500 or RP 504, but may not take both, to fulfill the program requirements.
RP 504 Foundations of Restorative Practices
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: NoneRP 504.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 18, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
Students in this course will learn about the foundations of restorative practices as an evolving field of study. They will explore the emotional, relational, and ecological theories underpinning restorative principles, and the importance of engaging with others in equity-oriented relationships. Students will develop explicit restorative practices skills for application in their own personal and professional lives.
Students may choose either RP 500 or RP 504, but may not take both, to fulfill the program requirements.
RP 525 Restorative Practices in Action
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 500 or RP 504or
- RP 500 or
- RP 504 or
- Attendance at Introduction to Restorative Practices and Using Circles Effectively or
- Attendance at Restorative Practices for Educators or
- Attendance at Restorative Practices for Independent Schools or
- Attendance at Reimagining Campus Community with Restorative Practices
- RP 500 or RP 504 and
- RP 667 and RP 668
RP 525.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
In this experiential course, students will use and assess explicit actions modeling restorative practices in the setting of their choice. They will examine ethical and cultural issues related to implementing restorative practices with individuals and communities. Students will practice reflection as a critical competency of restorative practices. Within a professional learning community, classmates will provide reciprocal feedback to assist each other in assessing their individual progress.
RP 610 Evaluation of Research
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 525 and either RP 500 or RP 504RP 610.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
RP 699 Integrating Seminar (requires completion of all required master's degree coursework)
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 500, RP 525, RP 610 or RP 504, RP 525, RP 610and all required master's degree coursework
RP 699.01 April 2 - June 10 (Register by March 5, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
Students create a synthesizing multimedia project that describes how the field of restorative practices has the potential to impact communities and relationships in a setting of their choice. Projects are developed in a highly engaging and interactive professional learning community. Faculty and students discuss research, practice, processes, and implications that support claims made within the capstone projects. This process supports students as they prepare and present their projects.
RP 506 Restorative Practices: The Promise and the Challenge
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: NoneRP 506.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
This course introduces students to a wide range of possible applications for restorative justice and other restorative practices in varied settings including criminal justice, education and youth services, higher education, social work and workplaces. Students explore the potential, as well as the limitations, risks and obstacles to restorative practices through reading, online videos, interactive online discussion and writing assignments.
RP 550 Transforming Relational Harm
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 500 or RP 504or
- RP 500 or RP 504
- None
RP 550.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
This course is an approved elective for the Education Specialization and the Community Engagement Specialization.
Students who have completed RP 535 Restorative Responses to Adversity and Trauma may not register for RP 550 Transforming Relational Harm.
This course explores a deeper application of restorative practices as it relates to emotion and harm. Students will use group process, emotional dynamics, compassionate witnessing and mindful practice to address a wide continuum of harm. Students will explore neuroscience and how harm impacts the brain. Through the learning process, students will begin to understand how harm, human neuroscience and emotional experiences affect relationships.
This course requires participation in weekly synchronous skill-building experiences with the instructor and a willing participant with whom to practice compassionate witnessing.
Note: People have been exposed to various levels of trauma in their lives. This course considers the use of restorative practices in cases of grief, trauma and adversity. We advise students to consider establishing an emotional support system for themselves while taking this course.
RP 556 Restorative Practices for Community Health and Well-Being
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 500 or RP 504or
Prerequisite: Any of the following, taken within 5 years of starting this course:
- RP 500 or
- RP 504 or
- Attendance at Introduction to Restorative Practices and Using Circles Effectively or
- Attendance at Restorative Practices for Educators or
- Attendance at Restorative Practices for Independent Schools or
- Attendance at Reimagining Campus Community with Restorative Practices
RP 556.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
This course is an approved elective for the Community Engagement Specialization.
Students in this course will learn about the synergy between restorative practices and the field of community health. They will explore how restorative practices can help create supportive environments that facilitate well-being by prioritizing and strengthening a sense of community, connectedness, equity, belonging, and collective efficacy. Students will learn how restorative practices can strengthen community-focused efforts by fostering meaningful and sustainable cross-sector collaborations and developing the community’s capacity to advance the well-being of its members. Individual plans will be created to use restorative practices to address the social determinants of health within a community of the student’s choice.
RP 623 Restorative Justice: Global Perspectives
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 525 and RP 500 or RP 504RP 623.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
RP 635 Narrative Inquiry for Empowering Facilitators
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 525 and RP 504 or RP 500or
- RP 525, plus one of the following:
- RP 500 or RP 504
- RP 550
RP 635.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
This course is an approved elective for the Community Engagement Specialization.
In this course, students will develop an understanding of social construction theory and narrative theories that empower the facilitation of decision making. Students will learn to organize and maintain conversations with others to address their needs and enhance their potential, through enriched narrative conversations that acknowledge the individual or group.
This course requires participation in weekly synchronous skill-building experiences with the instructor and a willing individual with whom to practice six different narrative maps.
RP 652 Social and Emotional Learning in the Restorative Classroom
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 525 and either RP 504 or RP 500RP 652.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
This course is an approved elective for the Education Specialization.
Students in this course will examine the theory and practice of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) as it aligns with restorative practices. They will explore the potential to improve student, faculty, and staff performance through the purposeful implementation of restorative practices to increase social and emotional well-being in their settings. They will develop and understanding of SEL competencies that can provide a framework to establish equitable learning environments. Students will synthesize research in the fields of SEL and restorative practices to design an action plan integrating what they learn into their classroom or organization.
RP 667 The Challenge of Change: Intrapersonal and Relational Models and Strategies
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 500 or RP 504 and RP 525or
- RP 525, plus one of the following:
- RP 500 or RP 504
- RP 500 or RP 504
RP 667.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
RP 685 Data Analysis for Restorative Practices Research
Credits: 3 | Delivery mode: Online | Course duration: 10 weeks | Prerequisite: RP 610 and RP 680or by permission of course faculty
RP 685.01 January 8 - March 18 (Register by December 11, 1:00 pm ET)
Course Description Course Description
Students in this course will develop skills and competencies to work with data in restorative practices and social sciences research. Students will learn about qualitative and quantitative data analysis, data interpretation, and how to communicate data-driven results. There is an emphasis on qualitative data analysis techniques, however students also will be introduced to statistical software to perform descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. This course will prepare students to pursue an independent research project.