Free Webinars
Interact with expert practitioners and learn key restorative concepts.
Webinar: A Time to Listen, Navigating Change in Higher Education
The landscape of higher education is constantly shifting and changing, especially in recent times. The...
Uniting School Communities in Contentious Times: Navigating the Election with Restorative Practices
IIRP Instructors and Implementation Coaches Julia Getty and Nikki Chamblee joined members of...
Ancient Wisdom: What the p'urhépecha community can teach us about restorative approaches
On this webinar, held on Thursday November 17, 2022, Othon Jiménez Madrigal, lawyer by Michoacán...
Complexity and Restorative Practices
Restorative practitioners are currently faced with historic opportunities to advocate for...
Creative Restorative Practices in the Classroom
With everyone back to school, we took time to feature three educators who shared creative ways...
Processing Trauma Using the Relational Care Ladder
While the process of dealing with trauma is complex, the Relational Care Ladder offers a helpful...
Building Community: Consulting for Creative Partnerships
Groups of people — whether in a community, workplace, school or other organization — are most...
Intentional Classroom Engagement: Author Chat
Intentional Classroom Engagement is an essential workbook to help you hone your skills and...
Teaching Restorative in Times of Covid
The Covid-19 pandemic has turned everyone's life upside down. Schools especially have struggled to...
Healthy Academic Institutions
Higher education is changing in ways the COVID-19 crisis has exposed and accelerated. Higher...
Virtual Relationship-Building in Higher Education
Developing strong online relationships is more important than ever in higher education. The...
The Power of Listening Circles
Good relationships start with listening. Listening circles emphasize storytelling for cultivating empathy....
Professional Learning Through a Restorative Lens
A restorative culture, by fostering effective communication and continual feedback, creates an...
Self-Care and Nurturing in Troubled Times
To begin to address anxiety and fears within individuals, families, and communities during the...
Restorative Practices and Community Health
This webinar took place Wednesday, May 22, 2019. Whether your community is a big city, a small...
Supporting Youth Through Restorative Practices
In this interactive webinar, two IIRP graduate students discuss their work and the ways their...
Leading Change with Youth Mentors
In this webinar, current graduate student Liesbet Bickett shared how she is using restorative...
Scholar Practitioners Transforming Their Communities
In this interactive webinar, IIRP Graduate Student Keisha Allen of Detroit, Michigan, spoke with...
Fostering Equity in Schools Through Restorative Leadership
Restorative practices makes the biggest impact on students when school leaders understand how to...
Discovering Your Next Step – Inspired Learning at the Graduate Level
Kevin Jones was ready to retire from a distinguished career working with youth when he discovered...

James Mureithi
Founder, Youth Promise Centre Kenya
Impact Scholar, 2023
James mentors hundreds of teenagers each year in a leadership skills development program.