Whole-School Change: Cultivating School Communities that Thrive

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Positive School Culture

Whole-School Change (formerly SaferSanerSchools) is a program that cultivates stronger relationships between students and staff to create a more positive school climate and communities that thrive.

Increased Engagement

Restorative practices support students, staff, administration, and parents to feel welcomed and accepted, which will contribute to a sense of belonging that can lead to an increase in student attendance and staff retention

Multi-tiered Approach to Implementation

Our implementation process accounts for the stratification of responsibility across the school community. Staff receive appropriate guidance based on their positions and the populations they are responsible for to mitigate initiative fatigue and burnout. 

Program Components

The International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) Whole-School Change program provides a comprehensive implementation model that works with educators to transform school climate in districts across the United States.

Professional Development

Staff learn skills to proactively connect with students and respond when things go wrong.

In school Coaching

Our IIRP Coaches have robust professional backgrounds, and the strengths needed to guide school leadership toward the successful and sustainable implementation of restorative practices. 

Restorative Practices Trainers
Institutional Licensing

Expand and sustain the impact through our Train the Trainer model to build additional in-house expertise.

Graduate Certificates & Degrees
Institutional Licensing

Dive deeper into the restorative practices field through graduate level certificates and degrees.

Download our program overview

"Restorative practices provide a structure that builds community among students and staff and provides a way for students to restore themselves to the community following misconduct."

Anthony Hamlet
Former Superintendent, Pittsburgh Public Schools

Research and Reports

Restorative Practices Help Reduce Student Suspensions

RAND Corporation, a Randomized Controlled Trial of Whole-School Change (formerly SaferSanerSchools as referenced in the report)


RP Guide PDF Image WebRestorative Practices: Fostering Healthy Relationships & Promoting Positive School Discipline

Advancement Project, American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association, Opportunity to Learn Campaign

Additional school resources »

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Have questions about Whole-School Change? We're here to help. Our offices are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern.

Schedule a time to talk »
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Phone: 610-807-9221

Bring the Whole-School Change Program to Your School!

Contact Us
Email: wholeschoolchange@iirp.edu
Phone: (610) 807-9221

Whole-School Change program overview

Download the Whole-School Change program overview.

Schedule a Conversation

If you would like to speak about professional development events, please contact our Client Relations Specialist for Public Events.

Phone: (610) 621-4227
Email: events@iirp.edu

Rhicetta Rhonda

"My students are now in a better place – academically and behaviorally – than they’ve ever been."

Rhonda Richetta 
Baltimore, Maryland, USA