“The IIRP exists to provide a platform for new and innovative voices in the field of restorative practices to be heard.” —IIRP President John Bailie, Ph.D.
Click to view the list of breakout session presentations below.
Restoring Community: 21st IIRP World Conference took place October 24-26, 2016 in Bethlehem, Pa., USA. Three hundred colleagues from nine countries experienced rich learning about how to better serve children, youth and families and address conflict. They also found opportunities for crucial conversations about race and oppression. Most of all, participants left knowing that whatever their background or worldview, they all came to restorative practices out of love and a wish to connect with their fellow human beings.
Featured presenters offered crucial perspectives on the field.
Dr. Monique MorrisMonique Morris, Ph.D., offered perspectives from her extensive research and interviews with black girls on their experiences in school: “To end the 'school to confinement pathways,' we must realize our biases against black girls and our misinterpretation of their behavior. We must let them tell their stories in their own voices, providing safe spaces where respect, understanding and engagement can build deep relationships for healing. Restorative practices can help provide these processes.”
Michael Gilbert, Ph.D., director of NACRJ, provided a vision for the future: “Reliance on traditional justice will fade and become the option of last resort. Community restorative justice will become the option of first choice.”
Henry McClendon, who is working to help make Detroit a restorative city, reminded: “We (experts) have a role to play, but the most important folks are from the community.”
Mallary Tenore, of ivoh (Images and Voices of Hope), talked about the need for journalists to tell new kinds of stories: “Restorative Narratives show how people and communities make meaningful progress from a place of despair to a place of resilience.”
Participants also shared their impressions during the closing session.
Sharon from Charlotte, North Carolina: “Thank you for giving us a platform for crucial conversations, and to create solutions about race in this country.”
Darrell from Florida: “I learned so much from people from different professions and nations, feeding off others' energy. We're changing paradigms.”
Janet from Grand Rapids, Michigan: “I feel filled up with new knowledge. I want to help grow people to be the best they can be.”
Thanks to all the presenters and participants who made the conference a resounding success!
Breakout Sessions
- Affectively Engaging Police and Communities When Responding to Allegations of Racial Profiling and Racial Tension — Mildred I. Duprey de Robles, Kim Milstead (powerpoint)
- A Psychological Basis for Restorative Practices: Viktor Frankl and Man’s Search For Meaning — Jan Peter Dembinski M.A., J.D. (handout)
- Urban Community Studio: Building Trust Between Communities, Schools and Schools of Education — David Fletcher, Ph.D., Tashika McBride, Ocali Catano (powerpoint)
- Healthy, Engaged and Successful – Restorative Practices in Residence Halls — Rafael Rodriguez, Patience E Whitworth, Ph.D. (powerpoint)
- PERC in Pittsburgh: Partner Relationships and Aligning Restorative Practices with District Priorities — Yasmeen Davis, Dr. Dara Ware Allen, Christine Cray (powerpoint)
- Addressing the School-to-Prison Pipeline with Practices that Promote Restorative Justice and Educational Equity — Virginia Diaz-Mendoza (powerpoint)
- Restorative Practices: Transforming School Climates from the Inside-Out — Rick Phillips (powerpoint - pdf format)
- Restorative Actions Across Borders — Vidia Negrea, M.S. (powerpoint)
- A Dynamic Blended Family: When Restorative Practice Marries Family Therapy — Anne Martin, Ph.D., Jennifer Bowen MDiv, RMFT (powerpoint)
- Circle Up: Using the Framework of Restorative Practices to Facilitate Dialogues around Diversity — Stacey Miller, Ed.D. (powerpoint)
- Restorative Practice: An Exploratory Study of Existing State Anti-Bullying Statutes — John-Robert Curtin, Ph.D. (paper)
- Restorative Responses to Campus Sexual Assault — Kaaren Williamsen, M.A., David Karp, PH.D. (powerpoint)
- The “Culture of Silence” Versus Restorative Dialogues: How to Break the Silence in the Diverse Mindsets of a Central European Society — Dr. Borbala Fellegi, Ph.D. (powerpoint)
- It Takes a Village: Engaging Community Partners to Build and Expand Your Restorative Practices Program — Megan G. Johnston, M.A. (powerpoint, handout 1, handout 2)
- Toward a Safe, Just and Equitable Society: The NACRJ Vision — Michael Gilbert, Ph.D. (powerpoint)
- Changing Mindsets: Repair Is in the Building — Rick Kelly, Daniel Entwistle, Symone Walters (video)
- The Critical Role of Youth Voice in Building a Restorative Culture — Rick Phillips (powerpoint - pdf format)
- Exploring the Intention of Restorative Practices from an Indigenous Lens — Gayle Desmeules, M.A. (powerpoint)
- Our Restorative Challenge: Discovering What Might Be Possible — Terry O’Connell (powerpoint)
- The Accountability Circle: A Restorative Dialogue Circle to Empower At-Risk Youth and Young Adults — Chad Bolla, Todd Harper (powerpoint)
- Indigenous Systems, Migration and Restorative Justice — Ali Gohar (paper, powerpoint)
- Stop the School-to-Prison Pipeline Using Restorative Practices — St Claire M. Adriaan, Tommy Ramirez (powerpoint, handout)
- Leadership Competence of Forgiveness and Reconciliation Within Restorative Justice Practices — Dr. Andrew Campbell (powerpoint, paper)
- Building Student Voice, Empowerment and Ownership in the Classroom: A Teacher Training Model — Claire Miller (powerpoint, handout)
- Making the Connection: School Climate — Dr. Pamela Emery (powerpoint)
- Restorative Practices: How One School District Stopped Suspending and Started Educating — Michelle Dean (powerpoint, handout 1, handout 2, handout 3, handout 4, handout 5, handout 6)